Its all coming together

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Akane and Rei were caught by the seele soliders, beaten and forced against the wall with other nerv agents. The men stood in a line infront of them, rei and akane held each other other nerv agents cried and beg for their lives.

"Ready.....aim..." The solider was cut off by a roar that sounded like a hiss.

They looked down the hall where the noise came from, at the end of the hall the lights were out. They heard heavy breathing. A few of the soldiers aim their rifles at the darken hall.

Then the footsteps, slow stomps echoed down the hall and out if the darkness came a monster. Thin tall with sharp teeth and no eyes.

They all panicked and started to fire, and the bullets bounced off the monster. It charged ahead hissing the entire time, in one fell swoop it decapitated some of the soliders the others began to run as more came out the darkness ams chased them.

Akane and the others looked at the creature with horror. One turned to face then and growled before walking away.

"Huh it didn't attack us" Akane said

"They look like godzilla and unit 1" rei replied

"Come on we have to get to the command center" Akane said

"No I have somewhere I have to be" Rei replied

"What? Where?" Akane asked

"Just please, help shinji anyway you can" Rei said before running off

In the command center

"Unknown contacts have entered HQ!" Ibiki shouted

"Get me a visual" misato said

The main screen was a security cameras point a view, the large humanoid creature was shown picking up a solider in black armor, and ripping his stomach open before dropping him.

"What the hell?!" Misato shouted

She was knocked by a explosion amd dozen of soliders rushed her, she looked up and saw all of them pointing rifles at her.

The monsters reached the command center.

"What the hell are they!?" A solider shouted

The ones around misato looked up and monsters jumped on them forcing them down amd they used there long claws to start shredding them into peices. Misato backed away from them.

They were done and got up, one looked at misato and raised her pistol but the monster just walked away.

She was confused and watched as the monsters jumped on another solider like a raptor.

She crawled over to the dead bodies and checked there tags, on the shoulder of them was a symbol a snake with an apple.

"Seele" she said

Outside Unit 2 grabbed a gunship and used it to beat another gunship.

"Okay that should he the last of them" shinji said

They looked around but a shadow above them made them all look up. Massive airships carrying a strange cargo.

Godzilla immediately charged his atomic breathe fired hitting the lead airship blowing it up in a massive explosion. The other ships dropped their cargo, the containers opened and white Eva's with wings started to head down.

"New contacts, it's them it's the Eva series!" Ibiki shouted

The 8 Eva's series landed and surrounded them. Godzilla growled and the eva series backed away slowly.

"Who are the hell are these assholes" Mari asked

"Whoever they are, they don't stand a chance" auska said smiling

Godzilla roared.

The eva series hesitated.

"CHARGE!!!" Mari shouted

Unit 5 charged forward, the massive Lance impailed the stomach of a eva series, she pushed forward and impailed another. Auska charge daheard deploying her vibro blade stabing another in the head.

"Little help shinji" auska said

He nodded and took our his knife and stabbed another in the chest.

Another eva jumped and tried to bring down its own Lance on shinji but was blow up by godzilla atomic breathe.

Godzilla charged joined the fight grabbing the one auska hand forcing its mouth open and fired his atomic breathe down its throat burning it up completely.

"Holy shit they actually doing it" Ibiki said

"Base cleared of hostiles!" Mokoto shouted

"Initiate evacuation order april, all remaining staff get the hell out of here, Rendezvous on the carrier Taiho" misato said

Ibiki repeated the order over the intercom

Akane finally reached the command center.

"Whats going on commander?" Akane asked

"We are leaving, can you pilot a vtol?" Misato asked relaoding her gun

"I can pilot anything" she replied

"Good, wait where's Rei?" Misato asked

"I don't know she said she had to do something and ran off" akane replied

"Stupid girl, no matter she must have heard the evacuation order, Mokoto, Ibiki, Shigaru come on kets get out of here" Misato ordered

Meanwhile in Central Dogma...

Rei arrived and saw Gendo typing into a console, she calmly walked to him.

"What are you doing sir?" She asked

"Self destruct system has been scrambled, im fixing it, im going to end this all today" He replied

Rei remained quiet for a second

"Does that including killing me?" She asked

A moment of silence as he stopped typing.

"Yes, but don't worry no one deserves to die alone" he replied

The door opened and someone entered the room, they both looked and saw Ritsuko clearly injured holding her side but also holding a pistol in the other arm.

"Your going to end it all, all we planned,what we sacrificed for? Why?" Ritsuko asked

Gendo stood infront of rei.

"I am protecting my sons future" he replied

"You never cared about him, why now?!" She shouted

"I don't expect you of all people to understand, you are just like your mother" he replied

Ritsuko pulled the trigger hitting rei in the arm, she fell to the floor.

"Rei?!" He shouted

Ritsuko was crying.

"You basterd!!!" She shouted

The door opened again only the eva godzilla hybrid monsters walked. Ritsuko shaking pointed her gun at them.

"Stay back you freaks!!" She shouted again

They just walked closer, she pulled the trigger but the gun jammed. They jumped on her and began to rip her apart. Her screams were cut short.

Rei held her arm that was bleeding.

"If we end this will shinji be happy?" She asked

Gendo nodded

"Then end it" she said

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