Call Me Kookie (slightly explicit)

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Call Me Kookie

Why the hell did you have to be here!? Jeon JungKook sat on the couch, trying to focus on the game. It wasn't working.

"Damn it..." he muttered under his breath as he died... again.

"Geez man, what's gotten into you? I never beat you..." Jimin said laughing. JungKook didn't answer, and simply waited for his character to respawn. Out of the corner of his eye he had seen you sitting at the dining table with NamJoon, playing a card game... and laughing... and touching his arm. JungKook turned back to the T.V., his tongue pressing into his cheek.

This was supposed to be a guys' night... Then you and your friend had shown up... He didn't even know your friend's name...

He didn't care...

Where was your friend anyway? Oh wait... Hobi had disappeared too.... Damn it. JungKook pursed his lips and tried to focus as his character returned and he started playing with Jimin again. He wasn't going to lose this time.

He was getting into the game now... really concentrating. He'd gotten in a few good shots and was about to attack when he heard your laugh. It practically sparkled across his vision and his heart stopped.

And so did the game.

"I'm on a roll tonight!" Jimin said laughing and hitting JungKook's leg from where he sat on the floor, back to the couch. JungKook looked down at Jimin, hoping to come across as though he didn't care. The smirk on Jimin's face told him he hadn't succeeded.

"He's preoccupied..." Yoongi said in a low voice from his perch on the loveseat. JungKook glared at him, but Yoongi just smirked and raised an eyebrow. JungKook looked back down at Jimin.

"Nice one," he said, trying to be a good sport. He hated being a good sport. He hated losing. And why was he losing!? He glanced over at you again, sitting with NamJoon, deep in conversation. Apparently you had abandoned the card game. You were both smiling and NamJoon reached up to wipe something, probably non-existent, off your face. He tossed the controller onto the floor and looked back at Jimin, whose head was just turning back from watching you and Joonie as well. Damn it.

"Maybe we should play something else?" Jimin said, a smirk on his face. He knew. The little bastard knew! Well, JungKook wasn't going to admit to anything.

"That would be my suggestion," Yoongi interjected. "I'm getting bored..."

"Whatever," JungKook agreed.

"Your mind doesn't seem to be on the game, JungKook..." Jimin nudged his knee again. "Anything I or..." he nodded in your direction, "...can help you with?" He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. Holding back his anger, JungKook rolled his eyes and sank back against the couch.

"You must have been practicing," he said back to Jimin, lamely. Jimin burst out in a laugh, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Yoongi's shoulders shook a couple times, but he didn't make a sound. Where the hell were your friend and Hobi?! When the hell were you just going to leave!? He hated this! This sickeningweakness that came over him whenever he was around you. Your friend didn't affect him this way... nobody else affected him this way...

He knew Jimin was watching, so he resolutely refused to look at you. And since when were you all over NamJoon!? JungKook could feel his tongue press against his cheek again and pulled it back quickly. Normally when you would hang out with them, you'd bug him all the time... He should be thrilled you were finally leaving him alone...

But you had worn that blue V-neck sweater.... The super soft fuzzy one that would go off the shoulder a bit sometimes... it was long, hitting just at the top of your thigh... And leggings. You were wearing leggings with cut outs filled with lace. Lace that did nothing to conceal the skin of your thighs and knees. It was freakin' cold outside! Weren't you going to get cold wearing those!? He took a deep breath and leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees.

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