When you are at your parents's house (Jungkook Fluff)

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When you are at your parents’s house (Jungkook Fluff)

When you are at your parents’s house (Jungkook Fluff)kookingbtsstew

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You wake up next to his bare body.His arms around you.But you go back to sleep.He decided to wake up.He sits up on the bed,rubbing his eyes.Then suddenly throws his side of the blanket and starts walking towards the door.He feels something stooping him from leaving.You have grabbed his wrists.“Wear your shirt.” you command.
“This is just for me ’‘you say point towards his naked torso.
He hurriedly wears his white shirt that you had thrown on the floor the previous night ;)
He then walks towards you.He leans in and kisses your forehead.
’'Wait!” you say grabbing him by his shirt.

“You are wearing it all wrong” you say as you unbutton his shirt and arrange them in correct order one by one.
“Now that you are awake why don’t you join me for breakfast.Although your mom is really sweet and all. But I feel uncomfortable around other relatives of yours.’'he said.
’'Well,then why on earth where you going out shirtless without me present ?’'you said

He sighs

’'Are you jealous ?’'he smirks

’'No,walking around naked in front of each others relatives is not big of a deal.Remind me when we visit your cousins and their spouses” you retort.
His lips droops downward.As if he is defeated.
You stand your knees and slowly go close to him.
You cup his cheeks and kiss his forehead.Then you lean in for a kiss.

’‘Now you may go’‘ you say.

‘‘No you are coming with me ‘‘he said as he carried you out of the bed swiftly.

‘‘No you are coming with me ‘‘he said as he carried you out of the bed swiftly

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