The Beginning

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WARNING: yes this is a story of my actual life so please be mindful of what you are about to read and if you don’t like what you're reading then stop reading and also this book will go into detail on what happened in my life so pls skip the bit’s you don’t want read.

Hi there my name is Alicia but pls call me Ali you will understand why i’m telling you to call me Ali while reading this book. My life was difficult i will not lie but i’m not going to sit here and say that my life is harder than everyone’s like everyone else does i will be fully truthful to you all, now the books will go through the stages of my life from when i was a kid to now and even in the future, on we go with the book now.

Chapter 1

It all began when i was a baby the age of 6 months old my mum and dad had split up due to them constantly at each other's throats and never had time for me and my brother so we had to stay at my grans house for the first little while of our lives as my dad had to find his own house and my mum had to find a job even tho my dad was a chef when i was a baby my mum eventually got a job and my dad took a while to get a house but on my first birthday he managed it.

We used to go to my dad’s house every weekend and because of my mum my dad had lost his job as she had a restraining order on him and would appear in the place that my dad was working in and i know it sounds like a asshole move and it was but it is how my mum how she was and still is petty but eventually my dad had no where to work and ended up turning to drink so at the age of 3 years old i made a decision to try and learn how to cook at my dad’s house as my dad was too busy gaming while drunk and yes i did go back to my mum’s house with cu’t, blisters and bruises but it all payed off in the long run and you will know why soon.

At i learned how to cook i also started to notice that my dad was going to the pub down the road a lot more and me knowing how aggressive he was on the drink i would stay up at night and listen out for my dad while my brother got some sleep at night and once i heard my dad coming down the street i would wake my brother up from his sleep and hide him in the bathroom while i made sure that i had the keys and that the ladder was in place and yes we need a ladder for this next bit.

as when that bottom door slammed open and i seen my dad when he looked up at my the pure anger and rage and hatred i seen in his eyes as he stood in the doorway and then he would suddenly chase me up the stairs and he had this wee room that i would hide in until he couldn’t find me i would then run out of the room and close the door before he could notice and then lock the bottom half of the door.

then grab the ladder and lock the other half but there was times where he got out and would chase me around the house so i would have to grab my brother and run down the stairs and lock the door from the outside so then my dad couldn’t hurt me or my brother and yes we would sleep in the street at times due to all of this.

This continued for a while to be exact i was about 6 when he actually stopped going to the pub and started to slightly teach me how to cook i got better over time and then one night to prank me he hid in the closet in his room knowing that’s where me and my brother slept while he slept in the living room and when me and my brother finally went to bed my dad waited a hour or 2 and started to make a little noise until i woke up then stopped for 10 minutes then he started up the rustling again knowing it was scaring me and i got out of bed to go check out what the noise was and that’s when my dad burst out of the closet in this glow in the dark alien mask and yes he did it in the dark so it gave me the fear of the dark and chased me around the house till i was sobbing my heart out.

Once my dad realised what he did he left me alone for the rest of the night and i went back into the room and turned the lamp that was on the side table of the bed and then fell asleep and idk what time my dad came in during the night but he then turned the light off as soon as he knew i was in a deep sleep he didn’t even apologise to me for what he did and then later that day laughed at me for how i reacted to it i was heartbroken but yet moved on from it he then a few weeks later put on the rangers game and yes before any celtic fans decide to go “oh god here we go” my whole family are die hearted rangers fans.

My dad had just put on the game and my and my brother got bored and decided to play games and we made the mistake of doing a tickle fight near the end of the game as my dad had a full can of irn bru in his hand and because rangers lost the game that day he turned to me and my brother and threw the can at me but my brother jumped in the way and it hit him in the eye and my brother ran into the room crying in pain and as my brother ran into the room he shouted at my brother that he  deserved it and a few hours later my dad went into the room and apologised to him and that’s when it hit me my dad liked my brother more than he liked me.

When i realised that i told myself i would just hide away and be forgotten and that’s what i did i put my head into studying and drawing and singing and improved my singing voice and ended up in the highest grade in highschool i was so proud of myself even tho i struggled to sit still i was still paying attention but not a lot of people thought that until our results came in i proved them all wrong like i knew i could the family members that told me that i would never make it in this world it turns out i was amazing at cooking, drawing and singing that’s when stuff started to come together but that’s for later on in the book.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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