Chapter 6

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Skye's POV

We walked into the giant radio station and went up to the front desk. "Hello, I am Skye Smalls and this is my friend Ella Withers. Roy called us?" I said to the lady behind the desk. "Oh yes, go right down the hall behind me and get into the elevator. Push number 6 and when you get to the sixth floor go right down the hall to office number 754. Good luck!" She told us. Ella and I exchanged looks and went down the hall the elevator was in. "Do you have any idea what she said?" Ella asked me. "Um, kinda?" I replied. We walked down the hall, and entered the elevator, and I pressed the number 6 button. The doors closed, and the elevator began to ascend.

As we waited, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Roy was one of the most influential radio hosts in the city, and getting the chance to meet him was an opportunity of a lifetime. I couldn't wait to see what he had in store for us.

When the elevator doors opened, we stepped out onto the sixth floor and followed the directions to office 754. As we approached the door, I took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in," we heard a voice say from inside. We entered the room to find Roy sitting behind his desk, a grin on his face. "Welcome, Skye and Ella. I'm so glad you could make it."

"Thank you for having us, Roy. We're really excited to be here," I said, trying to mask my nerves.

"Excellent. So, I have a little surprise for you, girls." He said as he pulled back a curtain. There was a huge recording booth! "Skye, Ella. This is where I host the radio station." Roy told us. He ushered us both in and closed the door. Ella walked over to the corner and sat down. "Now Skye, our DJ will ask you some questions through the headphones I'll give you, and then you can sing your song. Ella, I have a proposal." He whispered something into Ella's ear and she squealed, "Oh my gosh yes!!" I laughed. They bid me goodbye and Roy gave me some last minute instructions."Bye!" I said. Deep breath. I put on my headphones and listened to the DJ introduce me. "And now we will hear Skye Small's latest single- Dibs." The DJ said. That's my cue!

Skye's song- plz don't judge my music taste!

So the song is really not about the video but the lyrics, this is me making up for no updates. Thx so much for your patience! oo3

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