First day of term 1/3

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I reached to my bedside table and grabbed my phone.

I hit the stop button and everything was quiet again.

I slowly pulled myself out of bed, the coldness of the morning hitting, sending a shiver down my spine. Mornings were always this cold, that's why i wear so many layers.

Despite the cold, i walked towards my bedroom door and twisted the handle.

My parents were both away on a business trip and my siblings all live in other parts of town (joys of being the youngest of 6 Ik) so that meant i had this whole house to myself.

Woo hoo.

I made my way into the kitchen and went straight for the microwave, where yesterday's dinner was. Yum.

I opened the microwave and grabbed the food.

I think it was just leftover kfc, nothing fancy.

I walked back into my room, eating while also trying to get dressed. Harder than it sounds ok? I tried to open my wardrobe, i ended up dropping my fork onto the floor. 5 times.

Once i successfully opened it and here we are. My wide variety of clothes!

I get my clothes out onto my bed, admiring

my well picked outfit.

Never knew how hard it was to get dressed and eat at the same time.

i needed to get dressed, it was already 7:39 which meant i had about 29 minutes before i had to leave.

I threw on my first layer, just an ordinary white shirt.

Then the second....

Finally the third.

Oh yea my trousers as well.

Now my oh so amazing outfit was complete!

I slumped down on my bed and continued munching on my food.

•time skip•

I was about 2 minutes away from school when i heard a car pull up behind me. I just ignored it and kept walking.

"Nowah!!! Wait!!"

I stopped walking and turnt round to see an energetic ginger running towards me.

Was that Izzy?

Well what other gingers do I know??

As she approached I asked the obvious question.

"I thought you drive to school?"

Izzy looks at me like I'm stupid.

"Well duh? I saw you walking and i wanted to walk with you! So i got my mum to pull up behind you."

"Why didn't you just wait for me at the gate."

"Because what's the fun in that!"

I raise my eyebrow at her. Who just shows up behind someone in a creepy old car?

"Come on we're going to be late."

I grabbed her by the wrist and started dragging her down the street.

"Woah calm dooowwwnnn"

"If you want to be late go ahead! But I'm not being late with you."

"Fiiiiinnnnneeee lets go >0<"

I gave her a look of disgust and started walking.

I was surprised Izzy even saw me walking because she always walked into form like...45 minutes late. So no clue why she's even here this early. This early being 8:14. Its early for Izzy at least.

"Why are you even here this early?"

"Izzy felt like waking up earlier!"

Great back to third person talking.

I honestly just ignored her for the 10 minutes we had left to get to school.

While we were walking, and Izzy was rambling about winning a hamster or something, i noticed a bus pull up to the bus stop across from us. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, just kids from my school getting off, i recognised most of them because i had seen them get off it every morning. One face I most recognise every morning was a boy named Cody.

He always jumped off with his friend, i think his names Trent? How would i know, I don't stalk people.

Anyways, i had always been more focused on Cody. I never knew why tho. I try not to think too hard about it.

Me and Izzy arrived at the school gates, seeing Eva and Owen waiting just inside it for us, Eva normally got here by bus but her mum was off work so she got driven. Owen always gets dropped off to school, walking more would benifit his health yk?

Suddenly I was pulled into a bone-crushing hug by none other than my big best friend.

"Noah best buddy! I've missed you, you haven't spoken to any of us at all in the 6 weeks?"

I actually have a life unlike them, so no i dont talk to them everyday.

"I've just been busy, busy guy busy life."

"Yea but you could-"

Eva was interrupted by the whistle.


Eva stored off to supervision ( shes there for beating up Duncan )

"Ok guys see you later >0<"

Izzy was way too exited for school.

I mean schools fine its just the teachers.


"See you at lunch buddy!"

I nodded and made my way to my first lesson, PE. I think PE first thing in the morning at 8am is atrocious, personally i think we shouldn't have PE as it is.

•time skip•

Once i had finished getting changed into my PE clothes, I made my way to the bench, sat down and opened my book. I think i heard the teacher say that we're doing dodge ball. 'We' as in everyone BUT me. Sports isn't my forte. I never have and never will like sports, its just not my thing. My thing is writing poems, reading books and getting shoved into lockers.

The book i was reading was called 'a good girls guide to murder' i like murder mystery books. I jumped as i heard the Mr. Hatchet blow a whistle, initiating the start of the game.

A few minutes passed and nothing really interesting happened, to my knowledge at least, Im so happy i don't have to be frolicking around throwing balls at people.

Just as i got to the good part in my book, i noticed peoples throws kept getting nearer and nearer to me, obviously i dodged all of them.

Out of the corner of my eye, i saw a ball flying directly at my face.For some reason my body didn't react. As it hit me i fell back, hitting my head on the floor. I heard people shouting,I also saw a brunette boy leaning over me saying something i couldn't make out. Was that-

Then it went black.

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