First day of term 3/3

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Suddenly the bell went.

I started walking, slightly in front of Cody, when I got pulled back by my rucksack.

After I gained balance, I turned around to see Cody bent over laughing.
"What was that for??"

Cody looked up at me, still slightly laughing in between words,
"Sorry, it was uhh reflex, yep reflex."
"Sure it was, now hurry up because we need to get there before Izzy"
"Ok lets go."

We started walking towards the canteen, and I wondered what led me to this moment.
Walking to lunch with Cody Anderson.

We have 0 things in common! Anyways why does he want to be friends with me? I mean I'm the most unapproachable person ever, so why would he be friends with me?


I look up, realizing I have been lost in my thoughts,
"Sorry, what?" "I said can we go a different way"
Cody seemed very nervous while saying that, I could see him fiddling with his hands."Why?" "Well, beca-"


I saw her running towards him, and out of reflex I grabbed Cody's hand and started running. That crazy bitch.

We were running, dodging people as we did. I could hear her shouting behind us, screaming for Cody. She needs to get taken out of the school.


I took a sharp turn, hoping it would catch Sierra off guard, and suddenly we were outside.
I ran towards the lunch doors, but just before I reached the doors I turned around. No sierra.
We went in, I could feel Cody's hand shaking in mine.

We had finally reached the lunch hall, we had lost her. Phew. I saw a few people looking at us weirdly, I didn't know why.

"Holy shit," Cody said, panting. "She's mad."
Cody looked down at our hands. I was still holding his hand. Was that why people were looking at us like that?? I quickly let go, feeling my face heat up. Why was I doing that? I brushed it off as embarrassment. Cody just laughed it off.
"Let's go see if Izzys there or not."

We started walking deeper into the jungle (the lunch hall) when I saw a crazy, ginger-haired girl. How had she gotten here before us?

"There she is."
"Uhh, who's that next to her???"
"Oh, Owen. Yea he's my best friend"
I cringed at me saying that.
"Ooo I thought Noah Sterecra was too mysterious to have a best friend!"
"Don't you think it's a bit creepy that you know my last name?"
"No, cmon everyone in this school knows my full name"

"Only because Duncan hung up a sign saying 'Cody Emmet Jameson Anderson is a massive geek' so I'm not surprised."
"Wait is that actually why?? I thought I was just popular."
"Sorry, you had to find out like this."
I patted him on the back and started walking, him trailing behind me.

When we got to the table, Izzy was confused by Cody's presence.
"Hii Noah!! Wait.....Is that Cody Emmet Jameson Anderson????"
"It is indeed I!"
I'm dying on the inside.

"Noah why didn't you tell me you had brought your boyfriend with you?!" My face started to heat up, that's just embarrassment. Yep. "He is NOT my boyfriend, why would I like him??"

Cody started doing a very melodramatic shocked face at me. "Oh cmon you know I didn't mean it like that, I'm sure loads of people like you." "Yeah, sierra likes you! She loves you!!" Cody froze. Izzy was trying to scare him off or something. "Yeah because stalking helps prove how much you love a person."
Cody laughed.

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