New Beginnings

475 37 18

ohayo minna-san! a-yi and a-ying here, sorry for the long wait ;)

        Xie Lian looked at Hua Cheng with widen eyes filled with emotion that seemed to overflow as his body trembled with want and hope. "Y-yes San Lang....i'm also feeling it but....could...could it be?" 

the taller man clad in red stared down into his lovers eyes with a soft hue, "i hope so" he whispered out almost as if he was afraid that speaking loudly might jinx it

they held onto each other as the gazed at the sleeping, recovering child with hope

hoping that this little bean was theirs

hoping and praying for that little child to be their missing piece

and in the case that he isn't....

they wouldn't mind taking in the little one

a few hours later the young boy woke up, opening his dazed unfocused eyes slowly, his lashes fluttering with a tremble but....

he didn't feel anything

the pain

the cold

the fear?.....

he felt none of that

wei ying looked around and caught sight of the duo who stood next to his bed staring at him 

it was at this point that he stiffened, who were they? where was he? how was here? what did they want?

questions that raced through the boys mind as his breathing began to pick up

"shh it's okay little one" the man in white reached out to him only for wei ying to flinch so hard that his body was propelled off the bed

"Are you ok little one?" The man in white asked as he was helping the little child up
"W-who are you? and where am I?" Wei ying asked "My name is Xie lian and the man in red is San lang and you are in paradise manor, but what is your name little one?" Right after xie lian asked Wei yings stomach started to growl in hunger and wei ying looked down in embarrassment "say when was the last time you ate something?" Xie lian asked with Concerns in his voice "I-I don't know" wei ying answers nervously "Well how about we get you something to eat and you go to sleep again mh?".

During dinner xie lian asked wei ying what his name was, Wei ying answered that his name was wei ying. He then said that he is sorry for being a bother, which Xie lian quickly replied and said that wei ying wasn't a bother and that he was allowed to stay for as long as he wants.

The younger boy stared at xie lian in wonder, who was this man? Why was he not hurting me? Curiosity raged through his veins so he couldn't help but ask

"Are....are you going to hurt me?" Wei ying tipped his head like a confused pup

There was the sound of a sharp inhale that caused wei ying to curl up, looking to his left

The man in red who have been silent for awhile was staring at him

The boy couldn't phantom what the look was supposed to mean but it couldn't have been anything good right?

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" The younger instantly fell into panic scaring the duo greatly

Sang lang reached for the boy but pulled back as said boy leaned away so far that he fell to the ground in a painful heap

Still crying and begging for mercy

Xie lian covered his mouth in shock, his own body shivering as he watched the young boy cave in on himself

"No, little one we promise you're not in trouble" with a shaking soft tone xie lian tried to console but wei ying was to far gone

The young boy held his knees to his chest as he rocked back and forth, a blank distant look in his eyes as he mubbled over and over again

"I'm going to die, I going to die, they'll kill me, they'll kill me, I deserve it, I deserve it"

Xie lian sank to his knees Infront of the boy, ignoring his tears as he desperately tried to snap the boy out of his stupor but nothing worked

"Sang lang!" Xie lian called for his dazed husband

Said man was staring into space blankly, his left eye twitching everytime he heard the young boy HIS young boy mutter such awful things

So what if this boy might not be their baby?

So what?

But one thing for sure

This child isn't going back to wherever he came from

That's for certain....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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