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word count:1329

    after what happened yesterday, William has been off. he has this look on his face constantly and whenever he comes out of his office (witch is barely ever) he nit-picks every small thing. every one notices it and its now the main topic on everyone's minds.

  There were some files i had to give to William in his office. i really didn't want to go in there. he has been avoiding me all day, i don't know why. I nocked on his door.

"come in" William says frustrated 

"i have some files to give you"

"just put them here on my desk" he points to the corner of the desk

William is hunched over his work, his tie lose and his hair messy. i walk up to his desk and place the papers down. i notice i picture frame beside his papers, it looks to be a young boy wearing a black t-shirt with two grey stipes on it. before i open my mouth to ask William cuts my off.

"you can leave now!" he points to the door

i turn to the door annoyed. dude! why did her coming here piss him of so much!

i get back to work. its time to entertain the kids, since Henry was away i was in charge of wearing the golden Freddy suit and since William had more paperwork then normal to do i had to. i get the suit on carefully and head out to the main dinning area. the kids flood in around me cheering and smiling 

"Freddy, Freddy! your my most favorite, here i made you a drawing!" some kid says with a smile.

i continue to entertain the kids for 20 more minute's  

i deepen my voice and say "ok now kids. it was soo fun playing with you but i have to go help bonnie now! ill see you kids next time!"

with that i go to the back and take the suit off. that thing is so sweaty! but its worth it to see all those smiles.

  i then head to my break, only 2 more hours left of my shift. its been along day so far, i got myself some fries from the kitchen and a sat down in the corner of the restaurant near the front window. as I'm eating my fries i see William step outside. he lights his cigarette and puts it to his mouth. the wind blows through his short hair.

    i sit there, eating my fries watching him. he's always in a rush, i can see him tapping his foot. he finishes his smoke and goes back inside. i also finish up my food and head back to my last two hours of work.



i flop down on my bed. "that was a long day, so glad I'm home now." 'yawnnn' huh, i guess today really wore me out. i should take a quick nap. i snuggle up in my blankets and fall asleep.


i open my eyes to see my room dark and the moon out my widow. how much did i sleep? i get up and walk to my kitchen to grab some alcohol, i open up my wine cabinet to see it empty. shit, i don't have any left.

   i guess ill head to the bar.

i change out of my uniform into something more comfortable. i grab my wallet and keys then head out the door. i go down to the parking lot and start up my car. i have a old silver car, its beaten up and a bit rusty but i love it. i hand on over to JR'S.

i arrive to JR'S and park next to a yellow car in the front. i walk in and sit at the counter.

"can i get a gin and tonic please?"

"coming right up miss!" the bartender says 

its been around 8 minuets and I've already ordered around two drinks. I'm about to get up and leave when i notice William? he looks super drunk and like he's been there for hours. he's got tons of empty cups in front of him witch proves that he's had to much to drink. 


he looks over surprised. 

"oh Y/N what are you doing here??"

"nothing really, I'm more worried about what your doing here? are you felling alright? you've been off lately and now i see you here completing drunk!"

"I'm not that drunk. I've just had a couple of drinks that's it, and I'm fine! I'm your boss, its not your job to worry about me." he says as he waves the waiter for another shot 

i gently push his arm down. " that's enough drinks i think, William.  Where not at work right now, I'm your friend, its fine to tell me what's been bugging you."

"that woman who came in yesterday was my ex wife, Clara. she came in asking for the ring she had even though i gave it to her mother. her mother just what's to cause problems for me.. she's just to afraid to admit she lost it." 

William continues " Whenever that woman comes into my office i just get so mad! she's caused so many problems for me, its gives me a migraine!"

"that's annoying, who does she think she is! I'm so sorry that happens but you got to stop getting so budged by it. she wants you to react to her, so stop reacting to to it!"

we sit in silence for a bit then i say something.

"William, who was that kid in the photo on your desk?"

that was my son, Even. he died in a freak accident that crushed his frontal lobe."

"oh my god, I'm so sorry i mentioned it! that must be hard."

"no its fine, no need to apologize. he died two years ago, its actually why me and ex got divorced. She blames me for what happened to him, even though it was his brothers fault! he lives with her now and doesn't want anything to do with me."

"oh god, that's quite a life you've got Mr. Afton~" i say teasingly

he chuckles "yea, its crazy."

i look at him for awhile, his eyes full of sorrow and something else... he looks so tired too.

"how about i drive you home hmm? you really need to get some sleep, your so drunk i  can smell the alcohol on you breath."

"yes sure. i not drunk though!" he says as he trips trying to get up 

i have to rap his arm around my shoulder to keep him up right, i walk him to my car and he sits down in the passenger side. he shows me were his place his and i drive him over, i help him to his front door and he gets his keys out.

"ill see you tomorrow then boss!"

"alright, thank you for your help and sorry to bug you again but could you help me up the stairs?" he says with a chuckle

"oh! sure i can do that!" i laugh back 

i help him up the stairs and to his room, he sits down on his bed and looks at me.

"ill be leaving now, i hope you have a goodnight."

are eyes meet, his face appearing sad that i have to leave.

"Y/N?" he calls 

"I'm still a bit tipsy and i really don't want to be alone right now, if its not to much to ask could you stay? ill get out some blankets and pillows so you can sleep on the couch?!"

what! he wants me to stay the night? its not like I'm doing anything at home and this might bring us closer..

"sure! yea i can stay the night, just don't try anything when I'm sleeping" i say sarcastically

he rolls his eyes and get up to grab the blankets. we walk over to the living room and he set the couch up for me to sleep on, he hands me one of his t-shirts to wear to bed.

"here you can wear this, ill head to bed now see you in the morning love."

he heads up stairs and i get to bed...

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