the sekido baby pt 3

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You cradle you're baby

"We can't name him Seiko."
You say as you hold you're precious baby boy

"And why the fuck not!?" Sekido yells

"..." You stare at him blankly

"....FINE." sekido folds his arms and looks away

"Saiko? Sado?.." you mutter

"..?" Sekido turns his head as his eyebrows raise


(Does senkei sound good?)

"Hold on say it again" sekido says sitting on his knees

"Saiko?" You say

"No the other one"




Sekido clicked his fingers

"Yeah that one." He says sighing In annoyance

You look down at you're baby

Holy shit it was weird

You're baby looked up at you not crying

Was this a staring contest?..

You stare back

"Well... senkei..."

You look away awkwardly

"God damn it-"

You couldn't help but use you're baby voice on you're baby, Senkei

"Who's such a cutie? Awh look at you and you're little toes" you delicately touch senkei's feet which reveals a giggle from the little boy

"AWWWHHH" you couldn't help but baby over you're baby

(If that makes sense)

Sekido was watching the whole process going down, god he looked at you with "what is she doing?" Eyes.

But the moonlight had shined on you and you're baby.

That's when his eyes widen and his heart started to beat faster

You're s|c glimmering in the moonlighting and Senkei's little hand reaching out to you from the blanket

"..." Sekido looked away "tch."

(Do y'all think he's the type of dad who would say "hey kid, tell you're uncle he's a fucking man whore and I'll give you 20 dollars" kinda thing? 🧍....just me)

A few months later


you're son was holding a butterfly

"That's beautiful senkei"
You say as you kiss you're sons forehead, he had his father's hair and you're skin, he definitely had two colored eyes, one different from the other

"Where's dad?"
Senkei asked and tilted his head to the side

"He's probably drinking that bad juice again (sake)"
You say as you stand up on you're Verenda in the shade

"I'll go get him!"
Senkei says as he waddles to you're shared bedroom

(Geuss who gave Sekido the spider lily?)


"DADDY! DADDY!" Senkei says tugging on the Futon blanket

"Go away you little shit Daddy's taking a nap."
Sekido grumbles and rolls over

"Daddy! Mommy said she said...she said..uhm"
You're son forgot.

"She said what you little fuc-"

You appear in the doorway

"Ah shit."

"Mommy said she- said you had enough sleepy Time!"
Senkei said as he sqeauls in laughter from getting held upside down

"What did you say?"
Sekido swings Senkei around upside down making him laugh

"Haha! Daddy put me down!" Senkei sqeauls

"Now tell me senkei, brother or sister?"


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