Chapter 5 - Where?

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~ Katie's POV ~
Feeling my consciousness come back, I felt something plastered on my right shoulder. I took my sleeve off to look at what it was. It was a gauze. Oh yeah. I was tranquilized. I looked around me to see a room. It was white. A long, black table in front of me. I saw a girl at my right, she was wearing a sweater, with leggings topped off with her eyeglasses which gave her acne a nice effect.*SARCASM* While the other one on my left was wearing a spaghetti laced crop top with a pink mini skirt. They both looked confused as well. I looked around some more, but as I glanced, I saw five boys come in the room. One of them was Zayn, the coffee guy, the guy at the bus stop, the weird guy at the Keds store and Greg Horan's Brother.

"Where am I?" I shouted as I stood up in protest as all of the five lads looked at me.

"Well, you're at the Wolverhampton Radio station, sweet-face. And I'm Harry by the way." The guy with long and curly hair replied as he gave me a smile.

"Katherine, Hannah and Fiona, you have been the three lucky girls that have been chosen to compete and pursue your dreams. I'm Liam" He said in a serious tone.

"So what are we going to do exactly?" The girl with glasses asked as she looked up to them.

"Great question Fiona! First of all, I'm Louis. Second of all, you girls, are going to show your talents. And later on, we will declare the winner. The victor will get to tour with us. Who knows? You may even be more than that." Guy in the Keds store explained as he pushed his hair back.

"Who are you for us to follow and tour with?" I asked, infuriated with what they just said as I glared my eyes on Zayn.

"Uh, were One Direction." The blonde guy said annoyingly.

"Screw you I'm leaving." I said as I stood up from the swivel chair.

"Security!" They all shouted in chorus as two guys in a SWAT uniform stood in front of me.

"Okay, okay Jesus." I mumbled as I sat back on the chair. Sitting there, I looked at Hannah she was chewing bubble gum as she was staring at her nails.

"Where are we going to stay then?" I asked, completely annoyed with the presence of the five idiots in front of me.

"You'll stay in one house with us." Zayn clearly stated as Hannah and Harry giggled. Well, they'll have fun. I guess.

"Convenient. Great." I said as I clapped my hands and laughed sarcastically.

"So, let us see those talents. Fiona first." Liam said as he pulled the table toward them and sat on their seats.

Fiona sang a song named "Walkashame".
Oh, Hun don't get me started with her voice. Horrendous. After Fiona sang, she was asked to leave the room by Louis. Hannah sang a song called "Just A Little Bit of Your Heart". She started off well, until her voice started to become rusty. It didn't sound good. Okay it was horrible. Harry became disappointed and Liam asked Hannah to exit. Great. It came down to only me and the boys. I became extremely tense as I began to sing the song called "Miss Understood"

"You look so good, miss understood, you do the things that no one should.

Your heart is pure, and insecure, you always leave me wanting more."

"How was I?" Asked them, completely ignoring Zayn.

"Well, you were better than the previous girls." Harry replied as he scratched the back of his head.

"Glad to hear that." I replied as I looked at the illuminated screen of my phone. Shoot. 46 missed calls from gramma. Wait, I have to live with these guys. What have I gotten myself into?

Hi guys! Thanks for everything! Hope you love this chapter! Bye! 😘

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