Ash celadon gym battle

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Narrator:We begin our story as our hero's arrived back to the Celadon gym as after Green managed to convince grass type gym leader to give ash a chance,she finally accepted his challenge. As both combatants take their sides of the field with ash friends on the sideline cheering our hero on. Lexus:You got this ash!

Green:Give it everything you got buddy! [Green cheered as his Pokemon joined in as well]. Erika:It seems got a very supportive fan club ash I'm impressed,well use 3 Pokémon each.            Ash:Right. I'll use my own grass Pokémon against yours Bulbasaur, I choose you! [ash threw out bulbasaur as he is unleashed Out on the battlefield].

Bulbasaur:Bulbasaur! [He shouted]              Erika:This Ought to be easy. [She said knowing which Pokémon she'll use first] Tangela, I choose you! [Out of the pokeball, a vine like Pokémon comes out squealing].                                     Ash:What's that? [He took out his Pokedex to scan it]. Ash's Pokédex: Tangela, the Vine Pokémon. The whole body is swathed with wide vines that are similar to seaweed. Its vines shake as it walks. Lexus:wait you didn't tell ash about Erika Pokémon? Misty:Yeah aren't you two best friends I figured want him to have an edge in this battle.

Green:Ash can't always rely on me you guys. plus he told me himself he didn't want to hear how my battle went so this is anyone game how this plays out.

Brock:Let's hope ash knows what he doing. Ash:All right,We'll attack from a distance.Bulbasaur,vine whip! [Bulbasaur lets out its vine whip at Tangela] Erika:Tangela,Constrict! Resist it from pulling you in. :Bulbasaur! [said Bulbasaur as Tangela spins and constricts against it's vine whips] Ash:Bulbasaur?! Erika:Tangela,Now is the time to hit it with your stun spore. [She said as Tangela was close enough and to Bulbasaur,it lets out stun spore,causing Bulbasaur to twitch] Ash:Return,Bulbasaur! [He shouted,recalling Bulbasaur] Erika:Poor Bulbasaur! Later,I'll give you some paralyze heal to make sure that your Pokémon is better. Ash:Thanks,but no thanks. I don't need your help Lexus:So far this'll isn't going well at all. Green:Nope but after yesterday Practice I think ash got this in the bag. Misty:What do you mean Green what happened yesterday? Green:Well after my gym battle with Erica you guys went off to do your own thing this left me and ash on our own so we decided to train together help him get ready for the gym battle.

[Flashback,in a field somewhere in the forest ash and Green Pokémon were all training all except one]. Green:Ok dude I'm gonna be blunt,why aren't you sending out primeape it's one of your strongest Pokemon?                                                                    Ash:I know but Primeape doesn't exactly listen to me idk how to get it under control.             

Green:Hmmm maybe instead of controlling the anger you use it to your advantage ash.                              

Ash:what do you mean buddy? Green: bring out your primeape I'll use shotokan to show you what I mean.[Green said as he called shotokan to his side to get ready].                     Ash:Ok,I trust you pal go primeape![Ash said releasing primeape as it immediately went to go attack ash only for Green yell at it to stop].

Green:Stop! Why don't you pick on someone your own size like my primeape unless you're afraid to lose in a one on one fight. [He said mocking the monkey as this infuriates him ready to as it wasted no time in time charging at shotokan with a drain punch].                                                      Green:Shotokan Dodge and use acrobatics! [He nods doing so dodging drain punch attack with ease as he counters with a super effective Acrobatics making Primeape skid back a bit as it gets pissed off that it missed].                                                             

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