Chapter 4

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Third Person POV

It's was the day of the event and Michelle was getting ready since her room was already done showering and already at the waiting place.

Michelle was done getting ready and as she go out from the room and lock it she saw Anntonia walking towards the elevator and i was staring at her again and i didn't notice that she's already near me and she said.

"Michelle are you okay?" She ask Michelle

"Yeah I'm fine" Michelle answered her and they both start walking towards the elevator and Michelle saw the sign that the elevator was broken.

"The elevator was broken so we need to use the stairs to go down" Michelle said to Anntonia and Michelle walk towards to the door of the stairs and Anntonia followed Michelle behind.

"Really we are going to use the stairs please no" Anntonia said in a dramatic voice.

"Yes we need to use the stairs let's go" Michelle said and start going down the stairs and Anntonia followed her.

"Are we there yet I'm already tired for sure we are the only one who's going to be late" said Anntonia as she stop walking.

"Don't be so dramatic there's only 1 floor left and are rooms was on the 5th floor so don't be dramatic" Michelle said and she continue walking.

"Hey wait for me" Anntonia followed Michelle.

Michelle smirk and Start going faster as she walk down the stairs leaving Anntonia behind and Anntonia was walking slowly as she saw Michelle was walking faster Anntonia start walking faster too.

"Hey wait for me!!!" Anntonia shouted but Michelle just laugh as she start running down.

Anntonia's POV

"Michelle wait for me!!!" i shout but Michelle just laugh at me as she start running down the stairs how can she run down the stairs with her high heels just how is she Ariana Grande.

"ARE YOU ARIANA GRANDE HOW CAN YOU RUN DOWN THE STAIRS WITH YOUR HIGH HEELS ON!!!" I shout again but this time she ignore me until we reach the 1st floor and all of them was there and me and Michelle was the one who's missing.

"Sorry if we are late the elevator was broken" Said Michelle as she apologize.

"How can you run on that high heels?" I ask Michelle but she ignores me for the 5th time this girl is making me angry.

LOVE IS IN THE AIR (PORDEE) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now