First time meeting you..

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I had woken up in this elevator with two other people one that was tall as fuck and another person who had half yellow hair and the other half white hair. The girl said she had a note her hand that said "they are the last" which was weird she gave it to the tall bitch and then they gave it to me which I kept it cause why not?

Later in the afternoon at 5:55 I was going I to the maze when I saw that same demon Zero walk out and I said

"Why did your parents ts name you a number?" I said to it "Why did your parents name you the most common white boy name?" Zero said back to me "I don't know" I replied with then went into the maze

Then I came back at 8:59 Zero and the others got worried for me and Zero was frist to speak when I came back injured

"What the hell!? Where the fuck were you!?" Zero said with angry in their voice

"I just went to go explore the m-" I got cut off by Zero

"DONT give me that BULLSHIT WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU!?" Zero was clearly pissed at me and ended up pushing me against the wall

"Get the fuck off of me Zero" I really didn't feel like explaining why I had came back late Zero didn't listen and got closer to me with his face close to mine..Netie accidentally bumped into Zero and..well Zero kissed me on the lips...

I was red as a tomato I didn't know why I was blushing I didn't like guys..right?... No my-my parents would hate me I only like girls! Not boys!...or mabye I like both?.... I don't know now thanks to this..

I didn't know what to do so I kissed back and we'll Zero was also blushing madly..but Zero's blush was bright like the sun...

I then pushed Zero off of me and ran to the huge ass house in the clearing


Later Zero was taking care of me and bandaging my injuries..I couldn't stop looking at them it's just that something about that demon that I like or love about him...I can't help it..

"Hey james?"

"Yeah Zero?"

"Did you like what happened earlier?.."

"yeah I guess why Zero?"

"I just wanted to know that's all!"

Zero said quickly turning away blushing I think?..

"Okay then Zero...well how have you been?"

"I've been good James..."

Zero looked around awkwardly

"What did you want?"
I asked now curious to know

"I just wanted to..uhm-"

Zero was then interrupted by Natie knocking on the door



Word count : 470

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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