Car accidents don't always end in tragedy

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A\N: I know I've abandoned A million memories of us but it's just until I get my other stories published and updated, it won't be long until there's more JIBBS updates in your notifications.

Anyways, I've always shipped Rory and Tristan. A few years ago I wrote a short three chapter story about Trory and deleted because of reasons I don't remember and  now have decided to write a few Trory fanfics and see what happens, enjoy, Angels.

"I love you, Mary." Tristan Dugray says softly with a small smile.Rory gasps as she hears those words leave the King of Chilton's mouth. "T..Tristan, you don't mean that." She tells him quietly. She watches as the smile falls from his face as Tristan looks at the youngest Gilmore with anger  covering his face. "What do you mean 'you don't mean that?'" He asks her,  Rory sighs and swallows as she looks into his blue eyes. "Look, Tristan, you're a player, a man whore. You treat girls like they're nothing but objects and toys, you don't know half of their names, you have a girl on your arm, two even, every day. You know nothing about love, Tristan Dugray." She turns and walks away from the boy who has tears shining in his eyes as he watches the girl he loves walk away from him.

After deciding that skipping the rest of school and getting a scolding from his parents will be much better than spending the rest of the day staring at the girl he loves, Tristan Dugray gets into his car and drives away from Chilton and Mary.

His heart hurts, it's like it's been ripped out of his chest, leaving a gaping hole where it should be beating, pumping  blood all around his body. He told the girl he loves that he loves her and she says that to him?! Does she know how long it took him to actually say it?!

Shaking his head, Tristan revs the engine and turns a corner as the tears he's been holding since Mary told him that he doesn't know what love is, flow down his face  blurring his vision.  

All of a sudden he's seeing Mary in the forefront of his looking beautiful,  as darkness slowly overtakes him.

"Students, please report to the assembly hall immediately." Headmaster Charleston's voice over every intercom in the school. Rory, Paris, Louise and Madeline all share a look as they make their way to the assembly hall. It's been three hours since Tristan told Rory he loved her and she walked away from him, and he's not been in class. "What do you guys think this is about?" Madeline asks the three of them as they take seats in the back of the assembly hall. Rory shrugs, a pit of dread building in her stomach.

Headmaster Charleston is standing in front of a podium looking at the students who have filled the assembly hall. "Thank you for disrupting your classes, I have some distressing news that you all should hear. Many of you know Tristan Dugray, earlier today, he was involved in a car accident not too far from the school." The headmaster says. The four girls share a look as tears fill Rory's eyes. It was my fault.The sixteen year old girl thinks to herself. "I know this is all sad news and unfortunately I have some more bad news: Mr. Dugray is in a coma and his parents say that he's giving up." Rory gets up and runs out of the assembly hall, unable to listen anymore, Paris, Louise and Madeline following her.

"Rory!" Paris calls as the three of them see their friend in the courtyard, crying hard. Rory turns to her friends. "Tristan's in a coma because of me. I put him there!" She exclaims. Her friends look at her in confusion. "Woah, woah hold up. What are you talking about?" Paris asks. Rory sighs and starts explaining what happened between her and Tristan earlier.

Paris, Louise and Madeline all stare at the brunette girl, finally Louise speaks. "Rory, listen to me: all three of us have known Tristan since we were 5  and he's been with a lot of girls and he's never said those three words to anyone, except for you, so for him to say that to you, he means it. He doesn't care if you can't say it back yet, he just wants you to know that he does love you." Louise says. "He needs to hear your voice so he wakes up. He doesn't want to give up, and I know that you don't want him to give up either, so go to the hospital and make sure he doesn't give up." Rory smiles and wipes away the last of her tears. "Call my Mom, tell her what happened and where I am." She says before walking towards the parking lot.

She has a Dugray to see.

Rory thanks Tristan's parents and grandparents as she enters the private hospital room.

Tristan lies in the middle of the bed, almost unrecognizable. His face is littered in bruises, cuts and scrapes, a swollen black eye and a broken nose. She takes a seat in the chair that's beside his bed and takes his hand in hers,  staring at his comatose form.

"I'm so sorry, Tristan, I'm so sorry for what I said. I know that you love me, I know that now, I just got scared when you said those words to me. You know what happened when I was told those three words and I lashed out and I didn't mean to.

Look, Tristan, I now know why I couldn't say those three words to Dean and that's because I'm in love with you. Do you hear me Tristan Dugrey? I said I love you." Rory tells him tearfully, pausing as the words leave her mouth. "I love you, Tristan, and I need you to wake up so you can say it back." Tristan doesn't stir or open his eyes. "Please wake up, Tristan." She whispers, running her fingers through his hair. The girl sighs as the boy she loves doesn't move. "I'll stay here until you wake up." She says firmly.

Two hours later Rory is sitting beside Tristan after being forced by his parents to call her mother, her friends and get something to eat from the cafeteria. He still hasn't woken up.

"God, Tristan, please wake up, I need you, so please wake up." She begs as tears once again stream down her face. A tear lands on his hand and a moan comes from the boy on the bed. Rory looks down as Tristan's blue eyes open, a small smile spreads across his face.

"Hey, Mary." The blond boy says, his voice is scratchy. She smiles before kissing his lips gently.

"I love you, Tristan." Rory tells him softly as she pulls away from him. Tristan's smile grows wider.

"I've been waiting for close to two years for you to say that." The youngest Dugray says to the youngest Gilmore. Rory laughs before she hugs him and sits down in the chair again.

A month later:

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Rory asks as Tristan pulls into the student parking lot of Chilton. Tristan chuckles as he kills the engine.

"Mary, I love you, our parents, grandparents and friends know that we love each other. I think that the rest of the school should know that too." Rory sighs and nods as she unbuckles her seatbelt and opens the passenger door, stepping out of the car, smiling when his arm comes around her shoulder. She leans into his side as they walk into the school, ignoring the stares, whispers and points of the other students and teachers.

Tristan and Rory are both glad that he didn't die in that car crash a month ago.

A/N: This is finally complete. I'm currently working on a few new chapters for A million memories of us so that should be updated really really soon. Enjoy, Angels.

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