Chapter 23

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"Will he be married to that girl?" Charlotte asked, referring to Won and the girl he will marry, I bit my lip and shook my head, shrugging,

"I don't know," I muttered, she sighed and nodded, seems like everyone knew about it, obviously,

"If they will get married then I'd leave and support him from afar," I said, Charlotte then moved herself and sat next to me, holding my hand,

"Sol, nothing will happen, I'm sure that Won will take care of it and just stay here instead," Charlotte shrugged, she's not the kind to be soft hearted towards anyone, this is the only time I've seen her like this,

"I never expected myself to be in a position like this," I said, laughing, Charlotte pushed me away, laughing as well.

May 24, 2020

I stayed at Won's house for days, it's like I couldn't leave, after what happened before, when he had a breakdown, I was scared to leave him, I really was,

I was cooking dinner and Won just came home from his trip with Lyne and Elias, while I was cooking, he hugged me from behind, kissing my cheek,

He turned the gas off and turned me around to look at him, he seemed serious, I was confused but just went for it,

"The woman that I'm supposed to marry will be here, my mom wants me to meet her, tomorrow," Won said, I closed my eyes and sighed, opening it later on, nodding,

"Okay, I understand," I said, whispering the end, he sighed and placed his forehead in mine, as I placed my hands in his neck, caressing it,

"I'm sorry," he whispers, I smiled and shook my head, I kissed his forehead and placed his head in my shoulder, and hugged his head,

"It's okay, it's not your fault," I muttered, Won grabbed my waist and pulled me more towards him, hugging me,

"Should I go back home?" I asked, he gripped my shirt and hugged me to the point where I cannot even breathe, I chuckled as he exhaled,

"No, stay, please," Won pleaded, I but my bottom lip and nodded, massaging his hair, his parents do know I'm in his life, that he has a girlfriend, but it didn't stop them from forcing Won to get married,

"I'll finish cooking, okay? I'll be up soon and we'll figure it out," I explained, he shook his head and looked at me,

"Miss Thompson will take care of the cooking," he said referring to a helper, I let out a sighed laugh and playfully slapped his arm,

He pulled me out of the kitchen as we stumbled upon a helper,

"Tell Miss Thompson to finish Solace's cooking please," Won said, the helper hummed with a smile, nodding as she left to probably tell Miss Thompson,

Won was in a rush, he led me to his room as we lay in his bed, his comforting bed, the door also locked.

May 25, 2020

"Solace Perez, was it?" Won's supposedly wife said, I nodded and pulled my hand out for a shake, she hummed and glared at my hand,

"Ms. Nari Cho." I said, smiling as I pulled my hand away, Won stood behind me, looking awkward, honestly it is awkward to see your girlfriend and your forced wife meeting, that fucking hurts though,

"Ms. Kim had told me so much about you, you're his girlfriend, am I right?" Nari said, I chuckled lightly and hummed,

"And you're his forced wife," I replied, Nari smirked and shook her head,

"I am his wife," She said, I let out a sighed laugh and smiled at her, really?

"I don't see a ring, nor do I see him standing behind you as I talk to you, am I right?" I reply to her remark as she scoffed, I looked at Won who was just staring at Nari, blankly,

"Won will sleep with me," Nari said, I scoffed, who gave her permission to say his nickname? A nickname only I and his mother can use,

"It's Dae, Nari," Won corrected, I hummed, raising my eyebrows, looking at Won and then back at Nari,

"Nice to meet you Nari, but Won and I are very busy," I said, pulling Won away, it may seem disrespectful but, I couldn't stand that crazy tension between me and Nari, she can sleep in the guest bedroom.

"That went well, did it not?" I asked, looking at Won who smiled and nodded, chuckling,

"You know that I have to sleep in the same bed as her," Won whispers, I closed my eyes and nodded, sighing, opening my eyes again as I stared directly at his eyes,

"What if she leaves you? Alone? You're not comfortable with her as well, Won," I said, his insomnia was getting better and I would hate to see it happen again,

"Sol, it'll be fine, it's just for a week and then if we didn't work out she can leave," Won said, atleast his parents are nice enough to give him options, which is scary because he might fall in love with her considering that she is tall, pretty and probably smart,

I pulled him in for a hug, we'll have to stay away from each other, for a whole week, and I have to see him with another girl,

"I'll be in the other room," I whispered, he nodded as I kissed the top of his head, smiling, and left his sight.

Daewon's POV:

"Guess you're not sleeping with her huh?" Nari said, I ignored her and positioned myself in the right side of the bed, facing the wall,

"Come on now Daewon, you can't ignore me forever Mr. Chul," She said, I scoffed and stared at her,

"You know Nari, I'd be thankful if you'll keep your mouth shut for the rest of the week," I said, she hummed and laid down beside me, three feet away from me.

I woke up in the middle of the night, the feeling, it's back again, I turned around and saw Nari was gone, Solace was nowhere to be found,

I can't see anyone around me, I was alone, I looked around my room, while laying down and then I remembered my pills, where is it? Nowhere,

I was sweating as I opened the drawers and my closet to look for the pills, which I can't seem to find, where is it? Fuck.

Solace's POV:

I couldn't sleep the whole night, and while staring at the wall, there it is again, I heard him, aggressively throwing stuff, I immediately stood up and ran to his room, Nari was nowhere to be seen, he was all alone, which I feared the most,

I opened the door as I saw him give up, he laid down on the floor as he hugged his knees, I felt bad so I ran towards him,

"Get away from me," he whispers, I smiled softly and caressed his hair, trying to calm him down,

"Won it's me, Solace, I'm right here," I whispered back, he looked up at me and hugged me while laying down,

"What the hell are you doing? What did you do to him!" Nari said barging in the bedroom, two maids following behind her,

"Ms. Nadine, Ms. Thompson, please bring Won to the other room, and stay with him," I said, the two helpers nodded and immediately helped Won, and brought him to the other bedroom,

"How could you leave him? It's not wife-like to leave your husband who has insomnia, Nari, I know Mrs. Kim told you that," I said, Nari scoffed and rolled her eyes,

"Oh come on! He's old enough to take care of himself Solace," She said, I inhaled and walked towards her,

"I'm not letting you sleep with him any longer," I said and walked passed her and went to the guest bedroom where Won was,

"I'll take care of it, thank you," I said, the two helpers smiled and left the room, I sat next to Won who was laying down on the bed, his eyes closed, I know he's not asleep,

"You're safe Won, you're not alone," I assured, he hummed softly and pulled me towards him, I hugged him tight, his head against my chest as he slept peacefully.

1379 words

You're not alone <33

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