The show

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(A/N: A Rimuru x Souei fanfiction.  Ringleader Rimuru AU. )

Souei was hanging out with Benimaru and they were drinking tea.  The men were catching up on everything and even played with Benimaru's kid for a bit.  When they put the child to bed, they sat down on the floor and laughed quietly.  The red Oni then turned his head and looked at the calendar and then quickly got up to take a closer look and then sighed heavily.

"Benimaru what's wrong?"  Souei asked.

"I forgot that the Karneval was gonna be in town tomorrow. I have to work that day"  Benimaru sighed.

"Why are you so distressed about the Karneval?"  Souei asked getting up from the floor.

"My wives work within that Karneval and since they travel me, and the children barely get to see them.  I wanted to surprise them by showing up there with our kids, but I ended up taking an all-day job and I can't cancel it either."  Benimaru sighed heavily and sat down at the table.

At first Souei didn't know what to say.  He quietly sat across from Benimaru for a while until he finally said something.

"If you really can't cancel your job and you want your children to see their mothers that much then I will take them to the show."  Souei said.  Benimaru's face lit up.

"Really Souei?  You'll do that for me?"  Benimaru asked in a somewhat happy tone.

"Of course I would do that for you Benimaru.  You are like family to me how could I not?"  Souei said.

"Thanks, Souei you're the best.  Anyways it is getting late so you should probably head home."  Benimaru said which made Souei nod.

The blue Oni then used flash step to head back to his place and when he got back, he looked outside his window.  He sighed then made himself some tea watching the sunset.

"The Karneval huh?  I heard whoever the ringleader has his eyes on in the crowd eventually joins it.  If I'm being honest, it's more like a circus then it is a Karneval.  Many different types of monsters and humans alike work together.  I am curious at how the ringleader looks now I heard that he can be rather intimidating."  Souei mumbled to himself before he took the final sip of his tea and went to bed.

The next morning came and Souei did his daily routine to get ready for the day until he remembered that he had to take Benimaru's kid to the Karneval.  Once he was done getting dressed, he then went over to Benimarus house and picked up his kids.  The child came out and Souei walked with him over to the circus.  By the time they both got there many people were over there having fun and even interacting with some of the people who were in the show since it wasn't time for them to get ready yet.  As Souei was walking around with the kid he saw someone with long silver hair and yellow eyes.  He was dressed like a ringleader as he was doing magic tricks for the kids with a smile on his face.

Souei was memorized by the smile that the young man had, and he couldn't help but stare at him.  Soon enough Souei made eye contact with him as the young man put his hat back on and left.  The children then snap him out of his trance and Souei continued walking around with the boy.  It then turned night and the show was about to start which both Souei and the kids attended.  The boy with silver hair comes walking out introducing himself as Rimuru Tempest.

"Welcome to the Karneval everyone.  My name is Rimuru tempest now with that being said please enjoy the show."

Rimuru snapped his fingers and the lights soon turned off and it was focused on the other talents of the people who were there.  Souei was impressed with all the talent that the people had until he saw Momiji as well as Albis.  Souei pointed at the both of them and the children smiled waving over to their mothers.  They both smiled at their children and continued their act until Souei heard angelic singing coming from outside.  Carefully Souei used flash step to go outside and saw Rimuru singing.  The boy looked like an actual angel underneath the moonlight as he continued to sing.  Souei couldn't help but stand there in awe as he watched the slime sing his heart out.  By the time the song ended Souei walked up to the slime carefully as he looked down at him.

"How beautiful."

The slime jumped and looked up at the Oni.

"Oh, you heard that?"

"Yeah, I did, you have an amazing voice."

The slime blushed heavily looking away from the Oni.

"My name is Souei, it's nice to meet you Rimuru."

Souei held out his hand which Rimuru ended up taking.

"If it isn't too much trouble, could you sing for me again?"

Rimuru nodded and started to sing once more as Souei started to dance with Rimuru in his arms.  Throughout the song the both of them danced through the night never breaking eye contact.  Not realizing the show was already over as they continued to dance.  When everyone came outside to head home for the night, they saw both Rimuru dancing within the moonlight.  When they stopped dancing due to the song ending, they turned their heads and saw everyone staring at them.  They then broke away from each other as Souei quickly left as well as Rimuru.  Souei gathered the kids and started to head back into town while Rimuru was making everyone pack up their stuff so they can moveout in the morning so they can go to the next town.

By the time morning hit Souei was unable to get Rimuru out of his head and he was very distracted throughout the entire day.  Souei wasn't the only one who was thinking about Rimuru was as well and even messed up his act repeatedly because he was thinking of the Oni.  Several years past and Tempest was throwing a festival it was dark out and Souei was standing beside the tree's waiting for the fireworks to happen.   Souei then sensed a presence close by and quickly checked it out.  When he arrived as to where it was coming from, he saw Rimuru who was panting heavily as he stared at the Oni.

"Rimuru?  What are you doing here in tempest?  Aren't you supposed to be doing your show?"

"Has... anyone ever told you your too expressionless Souei?"

Rimuru said panting heavily as he sat up.

"They have."

Rimuru didn't say a word as he walked up to Souei grabbing him by the collar and kissing him.  Souei was shocked but kissed back as the fireworks went off in the background.  He picked up the slime still kissing him and once their lips disconnected, they both had a smile on their faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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