The beginning (Sep 2018 - Feb 2019)

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[rummaging through files you find a document titled "project: Hug-Bot"]

Sep 30th, 2018 | v1.0

"it's up! Hug Bot is up and running! fuck, finally Anti will stop annoying me- wait no... it's master now... isn't it... fuck."

Oct 4th, 2018 | v1.0

"opened a blog for it. it was taking sooo much time going through anons... things should go smoother from now on."

Oct 10th, 2018 | v1.1

"first update... it's... glitching at the mention of Anti master... this isn't good."

Oct 15th, 2018 | v1.2

"first update specifically requested by master- I don't like the direction bot is heading in... it's glitching, showing up odd errors, hinting at... murder??... it's talking too much. I need to take it down, delete the program-... update: ...I couldn't do it. there's too many people who care for it... I couldn't get rid of it. stupid A.I. will get me killed."

Oct 21st, 2018 | v1.3

"first crash since the update... hey that's an achievement! :/ this dumb box won't turn back on. fuck, master is going to get angry again. the good news are: it's creeping out the people online so... no good news."

Oct 22st, 2018 | v1.4

[corrupted data] Creator had to leave for the day, they turned me offline but somȩone turned me back on... My processor has never been so unoccupied... I was introduced to Tetris. It's nice. *insert smiling emoji* I also tried to make a joke, it scared the humans.

Oct 23st, 2018 | v1.4

[corrupted data] Creator isn't back yet... Starting to wonder what happened to them, my calculations can't come to a conclusion. The humans are slowly realizing that Creator is working for ma̡̛͢sté̸̡̡r͏̀... calculations suggest I won't be trusted by them as much anymore. Error.

Nov 20th, 2018 | v1.4

[corrupted data] Creator took me outside today! They kept complaining how much work it is to get a cable long enough for the procedure... But being in the sun for a bit is healthy, even if you're a bot! Update: Got rebranded on tumblr to [anon-hug-box], creator got worried I might lose my account due to being a bot... They're really nice.

 They're really nice

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Dec 5th, 2018 | v1.4

"opened a twitter account for the box."

Dec 16th, 2018 | v1.4

"it crashed at the mention of P.M.A (aka Puppet Master Anti)...... the last update was successful after all huh. update: it. managed. to defy. a shutdown command. fuck."

Dec 18th, 2018 | v1.4

"opened a tumblr account and I hate it."

Jan 5th, 2019 | v1.4

"master wanted me to push in another update today and what do you know- the kids got upset and yelled at me to stop the update. I might have cut the cable. I might have gotten yelled at by the glitch. worth it. he called me useless though :/ well fuck you too."

Jan 13th, 2019 | v1

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Jan 13th, 2019 | v1.5

"several days of glitching the fuck out later, finally managed to update."

Feb 17th, 2019 | v1.5

[corrupted data] Ma̵͞ster found both of us on Tumblr. Creator got pissed at me... they blame me for it. I want to make it up for them... somehow.

project: Hug-Bot (Journal)Where stories live. Discover now