Same Page part 2

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Luna: it was only through fortune and Unemo's kind heart that we were able to set this up.

there, in a far place from everyone else, in the woods of the Forest, were Unemo and Arthur, sitting across each other. Unemo sat stoic. taking this negotiation of peace very seriously. Arthur followed. more relaxed but still serious as Unemo.

Unemo: it is about time we've had this discussion, Arthur, Leader of Project: Extinction.

Unemo said, crossing his arms across his chest.

Arthur: i could say the same about this too, Unemo Humono, Orchestrator of the Bloodbourne Lake.

Unemo: so where should we start? we have quite a lot to talk about. from our many arguments to our differences in beliefs. i have all day, and all week to be precise. you need not worry about my presence being needed in Humono affairs. i have chosen to excuse myself for an indefinite amount of time.

Arthur: never knew you could be this humble. but, i'll return this formal behavior. how about we start with... a simple agreement between the groups we represent?

Unemo: sounds quite nice. like a fine violin being tuned for its warm-up.

Arthur: can you stop it with these flowery words?

Unemo: okay fine! i try to be formal and this is what i get...

Arthur: can we continue this actually?

Unemo: yes yes. let's continue... seriously this time.

and such, negotiations began.

Arthur: due to our practices in project extinction, we require a lot of space to begin with. if it would be fine by you, as representative of the Humono clan and such, it's entire property, for us Project: Extinction members to roam on your grounds undisturbed?

Unemo: it would be fine. however, you still knowingly chose to step on Humono territory during a time where Humonos are most active. may i suggest you start your surveys during day time? 

Arthur: most species of this forest are active during night time. and such, we still need to be active during that time where Humonos are active.

Unemo: hmm... you bring a fair point. i am in no position to change the goal of your group. may i suggest you perhaps change  your base's location elsewhere?

Arthur: moving our base would take too much resources. besides, our group is trying to recover from the many casualties caused by Humonos.

Unemo: hm. you bring a fair point to the table. worry not. as i am a high ranking Humono, i will supply to you the resources needed to move bases. i will also hold all accountability for the casualties that me and my fellow Humonos caused. i may not be medically inclined myself, but i know very helpful doctors that i can get into contact with you.

Arthur: your hospitality will not be taken for granted, Unemo. I, As leader of Project: Extinction, will use this to better increase the quality of life of my division and also to lift some weight of my troop's shoulders.

Unemo: you are a true leader indeed. better than the Humono Clan Leaders themselves. now that we've gotten this topic settled, let us continue.

the negotiations seem to relax as the two representatives got comfortable. Luna and Rena served as witnesses to this. never saying a word and only observing.

Unemo: now for my issue with your group. you treat my Aonesai as if he were just a guard dog. maybe the next time you meet him, may i request you to treat him like a normal person, rather than... what you think of him? we Humonos more often than not, only want respect, appreciation, and validation, myself included. it would be okay if you keep treating him the way you do. it is only fair that everyone has the right to dislike someone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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