1; wildest dream

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Ishan felt Shubman's lips on his. The sudden surge of butterflies were like a tempest in his stomach, a sensation that seemed to boost his every sense.

Sense of smell, Ishan could distinctly pick up the scent of New York Oud Bond No. 9 perfume from Shubman. So oddly precise, considering he wasn't particularly interested in perfumes. Yet, it made sense- they shared most of their belongings, from clothes to perfumes.

Sense of taste, Ishan savored the lingering taste of alcohol on Shubman's lips. It was Burlingtons grape wine, if he wasn't mistaken.

Sense of touch, Ishan could feel Shubman's hand tugging at his hair, and the other pulling him closer by his waist, the warmth seeping through the fabric of their clothes.

Sense of hearing, Ishan could hear Shubman's heart beating against his chest in a melodic rhythm. So mesmerized was he that he started counting the gaps between each heartbeat, his own heart racing in response.

It all felt so real-almost too real....But it wasn't. It was all a dream. A stupid fucking dream. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

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A dream has been haunting Ishan for the past 5 months. That stupid stupid stupid dream that made him question the boundaries of his friendship with Shubman.

Ishan Kishan, a 25-year-old cricket sensation, wasn't exactly a scholar during his school days. Books and grades weren't his forte, but two things held his world together- cricket and a profound understanding of emotions.

From a young age, he wielded a bat with finesse and kept wickets like it was his second nature. He may not have been the brightest in class, but he sure knew his way around the pitch.

The five stages of grief? Denial didn't exist in Ishan's world. He faced feelings head-on just like he faces the balls on the pitch.

Well, at least that was the case until he had that one oh so sinful dream about his best friend, his best of the bestest buds, Shubman Gill.

He was no love guru but when the realization hit that he was in love, no, love might still be too strong of an emotion for him to admit. Still in denial.

Let's just go with when the realization hit that his feelings for his best friend Shubman Gill went beyond friendship, beyond the boundary, it hit him like Virat Kohli's cover drive.

His life after that realization? Definitely took a turn for the worse. Those friendly jokes about fans thinking that the two of them would look good as a couple now landed like a punch in the gut.

Staring at Shubman used to be harmless, but now it was a one-way ticket to blushing cheeks and lost eyes.

They were touchy-clingy most of the time, but now, each touch sent his heart racing faster than a T20 match.

Ishan found himself in a knee-deep mess of emotions with no turning back and he hated and loved every moment of it.

Each interaction with Shubman became a delicate balance between hiding his feelings and letting them slip through the cracks.

The internal struggle was real, but Ishan pushed those thoughts aside. This wasn't the time for emotional turmoil.

Dialing Shubman's number for the 37th time, Ishan anxiously waited as it rang. Still no answer. Shubman wasn't picking up. The knot in Ishan's stomach tightened with each unanswered call.

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