11; did she?

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Shubman and Naina found themselves engrossed in conversation during their dinner date, discussing the horror movie that Shubman scarcely paid attention to, alongside a myriad of random topics.

As they opened up to each other, he gained a deeper insight into Naina's personality, and time slipped away effortlessly in her company. Shubman couldn't resist stealing glances at her from time to time, accompanied by genuine smiles.

Mid-meal, Shubman, feeling a twinge of guilt, abruptly apologized, "I'm sorry for leaving abruptly the other night."

Naina, ever understanding, shook her head, countering, "Please don't apologize. If anything, I should be the one to say sorry. I know Aditya overstepped his boundaries with your friend that night."

Shubman's brow furrowed in confusion. Perplexed, he probed, "Aditya? The guy from the club? You know him?" Naina confessed, "Well, it's a bit complicated." Phrasing it ever so carefully, she stated, "Let's just say we used to be friends."

Although Shubman struggled to digest this revelation, he chose to set it aside for the time being, focusing on their current evening.

Now that the topic of the other night had been brought up, Naina couldn't help remarking, "You two must be close. I mean, you went as far as declaring yourself his boyfriend. That's commitment right there."

Now that Shubman looked back, he mulled over the choice he made that night, a choice that seemed out of character. He pondered why he had declared himself as Ishan's boyfriend that night. He realized he could have just ignored that Aditya guy's question or simply left with Ishan, yet he willingly claimed to be Ishan's boyfriend. Why?

As Shubman looked at Naina, he noticed a familar expression on her face, one that he had seen during their first date when he was telling her about Ishan. The expression indicated that she seemed to have picked up on something he couldn't.

Tempted to inquire about that expression of her, but he restrained himself, perhaps out of fear of what her answer might entail.

As they finished their meal, Shubman's phone rang. Checking the caller ID, it was the person he least expected to get a call from- Sara. Hesitant but feeling compelled to answer, Shubman received the phone.

"Hello, Shubman?" He awkwardly started, "Uh hey, Sara."

"Am I interrupting something?" She asked from the other end of the call. Shubman, glanced at Naina before awkwardly replying, "Yeah, kind of." Getting straight to the point, she revealed, "Well, it's about Ishan."

Confused and concerned, Shubman inquired, "What about him?" Sara informed him, "He seems to have a high fever. I think you'll need to pick him up."

Rapidly processing the information, Shubman promised, "Yeah, okay, I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

Ending the call, he turned to Naina, regret evident in his expression. "I'm really sorry, but I need to leave," he explained, a sense of urgency propelling him. Concerned, Naina questioned, "Why? Is everything alright?"

Shubman, settling the bill, explained, "It's kind of an emergency. I can't explain right now. I'm really really sorry for doing this to you yet again. I know I'm a terrible date." Rushing to exit, he added, "Give me a call after you reach home."

Making his way to the parking lot, he hopped on, driving off with a tad more speed than his typical pace.

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As Shubman arrived at the venue, he spotted Ishan waiting on the stairs, hunched over and visibly unwell, accompanied by Sara. Approaching them, he noticed Ishan's heavy breathing and the paleness of his face.

He placed a hand on Ishan's forehead and then his neck. "He's burning." Sara nodded in agreement.

With Sara's assistance, Shubman gently lifted Ishan onto his back, preparing to carry him back to the car. Before leaving, he expressed gratitude to her, saying, "Thanks", receiving a warm smile in return along with a simple, "Take care."

Carrying Ishan towards his car, Shubman chuckled at Ishan's attempt to assert his independence. "I'm not crippled, you know. I can walk fine on my own," Ishan insisted, his voice lacking his usual energy.

"Shhhhh", Shubman shushed him, fully aware of Ishan's feverish antics. Feverish Ishan was equivalent to tipsy Ishan and Shubman was well acquainted with both the versions.

(I can't speak for everyone here but having a fever makes me feel really high and I don't know why... )

Placing Ishan on the passenger seat, Shubman settled into the driver's seat and started the car. Throughout the ride, he remained surprisingly peaceful, almost as if he were trying to drift off to sleep.

However, upon reaching their hotel room, Ishan's demeanor shifted unexpectedly, becoming unusually hyperactive.

Shubman carefully laid Ishan on the bed before saying, "I'll get fetch a cold towel." But before he could leave, he found himself unexpectedly yanked by his collar by Ishan. He found himself hovering over Ishan, their faces dangerously close.

"How was your date?" Attempting to free himself from Ishan's grip, Shubman started, "We can talk about it la-" but before he could finish, Ishan's grip tightened on his collar, preventing him from leaving.

Teasing, Ishan asked, "Did she tell you that you look so tempting?" He continued to draw Shubman closer, cupping his face as he continued, "Did she hold you like this?" Ishan's actions grew more intimate, their noses touching as he inquired, "Did she pull you closer like this?"

Caught in the moment, Shubman's focus zeroed in on Ishan's lips - tempting and inviting. Ishan's breath on his neck stirred feelings within him, and his suggestive voice further clouded his senses.

As Ishan's warm hand caressed his cheeks, Shubman's resolve began to crumble. The boundaries of right and wrong blurred, and his desires became increasingly apparent. All he could think of at that moment was kissing Ishan, letting go of all restraints.

"Was she about to kiss you like this?" Ishan asked, their lips mere inches apart but then, Ishan suddenly pushed him away, giggling. "You'll catch a fever too," he joked, unaware of the storm he had ignited within Shubman.

Reality crashed back for Shubman, his senses and conscience awakening. Using the excuse of fetching a cold towel, he hastily retreated to the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

In front of the mirror, he covered his mouth, staring at his reflection in disbelief. This wasn't him. The realization hit hard- he was on the verge of kissing his best friend. And this wasn't like the time he was drunk. He was fully conscious this time. A knot tightened in his stomach.

Something was undeniably off with him in recent days. He had been viewing Ishan through a lens he shouldn't have. He was crossing the boundaries of friendship. No... He knew he needed to distance himself from Ishan, for both their sakes.

Exams are finally over! And I must admit, it was probably my worst performance yet. But hey, just glad that it's over. Planned to drop this chapter in the evening, but I really really need to get some sleep. So, here you have it fellas!


"I swear I couldn't love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow."

— Leo Christopher


Publish Date: 11.01.2024

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