ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ: ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪᴢᴇ

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"-She's won! [Y/N] [L/N] is the official victor of the tenth annual Hunger Games. Congratulations!"

Your hands were shaky as you heard a man's voice come out of the speakers in the arena. It took you a few seconds to process what he had announced as you stared at the body of the last fallen tribute that you had poisoned. Coriolanus had gifted you his mother's rose compact to sneak poison into the games. You had managed to poison most of the food and water supply, only keeping the clean portions to yourself. This ensured your victory but at what cost? So many scared and innocent individuals died here... it wasn't fair that only you were allowed to leave.

Your eyes were teary eyed as you crouched down next to the body of the last boy who was poisoned. His eyes remained wide opened, blood slowly flowing out from his nose.

"I'm sorry." You said, unable to hold in your tears any longer

You reached out to the boys face, closing the boys eyes. It pained you that you didn't even know his name. Hell, you didn't even know most of the tributes names. You covered your eyes with your hands as you began to sob, gasping for air as your shoulders shook. "I'm so sorry..."

You heard one of the Capitol's aircrafts arrive to pick you up but you did not acknowledge it, remaining crouched towards the ground.

Suddenly you looked up, your eyes widening when you realized who you would be able to see again. You whispered his name in an instant. "Coriolanus."

• • •

Two peacekeepers lead you to an isolated room in a large white building you were transported to. They ordered you to stay put and left you in there alone. A few minutes later, you heard a familiar voice say your name.

You instantly turned, a huge smile on your face. You were incapable of holding back your complete and utter joy when you had finally reunited with Coriolanus. Your mentor. The man who saved you. The man who risked everything so you could live.

He smiled at you once it was just the two of you, the Peacekeepers left, closing the door. "I knew you would make it."

"Oh Coryo." You say, quickly wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in his chest.

The tall blonde chuckled, his long arms snaking around your waist as he held you close to him. He pulled away from your tight embrace, looking you in the eyes. He rested his hand on your cheek, a tiny smile on his lips. He was close enough to kiss you.

"I'm so grateful you're okay." He whispered, before pressing his lips against yours.

You felt what could only be described as fireworks as soon as he kissed you. You almost could not handle all these emotions at once. But you knew one thing... you were eager for it to keep going. So you kissed him back, enjoying the warmth of his kiss.

Coriolanus groaned into the kiss as he held you closer and gave into his temptations. He was addicted to the feeling of your lips and wanted no one else but him to know how you tasted.

As the two of you were kissing, all either of you could think about was how much you had missed each other.

Once you had separated from him, you couldn't help but gaze into his icy blue eyes. "What now? Y'know, since the games are over and all."

"I'd like to spend as much time with you as possible..... and maybe just maybe we can be together." Coriolanus smiled at you as if it was an obvious answer.

You raised an eyebrow. "How so? Do you plan on keeping me in the Capitol and molding me into a 'proper' lady as one would say?"

Coriolanus smirked, brushing your bottom lip with his thumb. "I think I'd rather have you as you are, sweetness."

AS YOU ARE [Coriolanus Snow  x Reader] 🔞Where stories live. Discover now