Guess the Main Character & Adopt???

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So what you do is just what the title says - guess the main character if this were to be a story. There could be several. Also, if you end up wanting this clan or just one you can just ask for one that says OPEN. If you want the whole clan and a few are already taken, you'll just have to use the cats that are OPEN without the adopted ones. You can pick as many as you want!

 You can pick as many as you want!

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Pinestar: she is 32 moons old but only has one life left. She is quite sheepish about the fact that she used her previous lives up so quickly and mostly on meaningless things. However, two were used up during The Battle and now she is worried that if another comes, she could lose her last life and have to leave her clan on their own. She is determined to make up for her past mistakes and is working very hard to be a good leader for her clan. On a totally different note, Pinestar likes to have her clan looking their best for meetings with the other clans and always has them clean themselves up and adorn their fur with pretty objects. She in particular enjoys pink flowers and vibrant leaves in her pelt.

Cloverheart: he is very serious and second in command at only 26 moons. Seeing as he's quite young for this position, many of the cats in the clan think his job should have been given to an older and more experienced cat like Logburrow. When going to meetings, he refuses to decorate his pelt with anything, believing they look ridiculous and other cats won't take him seriously.

Medicine cats:
Nettleclaw: she is 110 moons old and quite grumpy. She joined the clan when she was 53 moons old, previously a rogue with herbal knowledge. Most cats prefer going to Whisperfeather instead and the kits are scared of her due to her short temper. But, while no one voices this out loud, everybody knows Nettleclaw is the better one at healing.

Whisperfeather: he is 33 moons old. Despite never having a natural talent with healing, he has always aspired to be a medicine cat. He is quite humble and friendly and knows there is still a lot he needs to learn.

Logburrow: he is the caring father figure of everyone in the clan and takes care of everyone. He's 38 moons old. Many cats think he should have been the deputy rather than Cloverheart. Logburrow actually really enjoys simple warrior duties and has absolutely no desire to have a higher role. He is totally content with his life.

Shrewpelt: he is completely blind due to an attack on his eyes during The Battle. He is 61 moons old and very sweet. He loves little kits, but he is aware that he can sometimes scare them. The kits in the camp now now know that he isn't scary and usually seek him out when he isn't busy.

Snowpelt: lost a lot of cats he was close to during The Battle and is still healing. He is 33 moons old and usually keeps to himself. He keeps himself busy all the time and tries not to sleep much since he still gets nightmares of The Battle.

Mossheart: she is 33 moons old. She considers herself incredibly lucky to not be more injured than she is. Ever since The Battle, she has tasked herself with raising her clanmates spirits. Whether it's by complementing them, helping them with something, or sharing prey - she does it all. She also lost lots of important cats to her in The Battle, no while she is mourning, she tries not to dwell on it and is trying to move forward in her life.


Rustpaw: he is 11 moons and one of the lucky cats to not be scarred from the attack. He and several others were out of the camp on a patrol when it happened. He isn't super close with anyone else in the clan, but he tries to always keep a smile on his face. He observed what Mossheart was doing, and now does a parody. While he doesn't actively go over to individually make others feel better, he keeps a good-natured attitude in hope it rubs off on the others.

Dustpaw: she is 12 moons old. She has a naturally spunky and sassy attitude, and even The Battle hasn't dimmed that, although she only joined near the end. She has hopped on the trend Emberpaw started to decorate her pelt and scars, liking the idea. She is, though, very concerned about her brother  Stempaw. He has changed since the Battle and she wants to make him happy again.

Stalkpaw: he is 8 moons old. Like the others, he lost a lot of cats he was close with in The Battle. He lost a lot of family and friends. He hides his despair under a grin most days, and like Smowpelt he still has nightmares about The Battle and as a result doesn't get a lot of rest. He is also worried about his best friend, Stempaw.

Stempaw: he is 12 moons old. He lost his ability to speak and smell during The Battle and is still adjusting. He was betrayed by a friend from the clan who attacked them in The Battle and is still getting over it. He knows Stalkpaw and Dustpaw are worried about him, so he tries to put on a strong face around them.

Lakepaw: she is 7 moons old and happily the medicine cat apprentice. She's wanted this role since she was a young kit. She is best friends with Emberpaw and jumped on the trend she started, but instead decorated her pelt with herbs for practicality. She's very sweet and ties to be gentle and polite with everyone, even when they really get on her nerves.

Emberpaw: she is 6 moons old. During the Battle, she completely lost an eye. The medicine cats really aren't sure how she survived, but they guessed it was a miracle from StarClan. At first, she was embarrassed and shamed of her scars, but then she saw a pretty kittypet wearing flowers and did the same with butterfly wings to cover her scars. Other cats joined in and soon the majority of cats did the same as her. She became more confident and used the decorations to just feel pretty rather than cover her injuries.


Suntail: is a permanent queen. She'd never liked blood and battle, so this was perfect for the now 39 moon old cat. She was out of the camp on a walk when the Battle happened, so she wasn't harmed. However, she still hears the screams of cats in her sleep.

Cinnamontail: is the mother of Stempaw, Dustpaw, Dewkit, and previously also Marshkit, who died in the Battle. She's still dealing with the loss, but has now put her heart and souls into caring for her remaining kits. She's good friends with Suntail, and is 26 moons old.

Dewkit: he lost his sister, Marshkit, who he was very close to, and one eye. He misses his sister, but considers himself old enough to get through it, as he is 6 moons old and almost an apprentice.


I finished the actual Art months and months ago, but for some reason I just couldn't write about each cat XD.


Fun fact:
There's a big fossilized dino poo. And I read about the biggest one (I forget how big) but that means there's several! I think that's hilarious.

I don't like potty jokes - they're crappy.

I'll stop.


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