Part 10

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Paige POV

I just got off the phone with violet. i feel kind of bad that i might miss her first game. i could tell she was sad but didn't wanna show it. i'm just hoping practice goes good and we can go watch them play.

i get up and get ready for practice. i threw on compression shirt. i already had my basketball shorts on from my shower earlier. i grabbed my bag putting all my stuff i needed in. i put my crocs on before walking out.

nika and azzi were already sitting there ready. "you ready to go p?" azzi said looking up at me. i nod grabbing my keys and walking to the door following them out.

"you guys think we'll be able to make it to the girls game today?" nika said as we made it to the elevator.

"i don't know vi was asking me about it earlier. i hope we do, it's their first game yk?" i replied back once again feeling bad. i felt worse actually, it just hurt to hear how distant violet got after i answered her question.

we made it out the building and hopped in the car otw to the gym. we pull up and grab our things before walking in.

"good afternoon ladies! so glad you guys decided to join us." geno said the second we walked in. we all just smiled and put our stuff down.

aubrey walked over looking confused. "uhh may i ask why you guys are down in the dumps? our 3 players that are always excited to practice...?" she said glancing over all of our faces.

i shrugged before getting up and grabbing a ball. i'm guessing nika and azzi are telling her about the volleyball game today.

i shot around a bit as the rest of the girls made it in. "okay circle up ladies! so, todays gonna be a light practice since todays friday! it may be a light one but i want full effort am i clear?" geno said aloud.

which made all of us nod and reply with a 'yes sir'. "okay! base line!" he said and all of us made our way to the base line. we started with a couple of stretches before running i believe 3 suicides.

then we split up into 2 groups. one side had forward players while the other side were guards and point guards. we each worked on things.

at this time it was 3 and i got worried. i only had 3 hours before the game. thing is practice usually doesn't end till 7:30...fuck.

we all gathered back up and worked on shooting drills. after we all agreed on splitting up and having a mini scrimmage.

i'm pretty sure everyone saw how down i was but didn't really question, same with nika and azzi. although azzi didn't really yk like girls she was still close with violet and her friends so it hurt her too.

kk was one of the new freshmen. her and i have been getting close but i can always count on her to bring my mood up in some way if it's not azzi or nika.

(yes i know the line up is weird but i love kk! she's so cool and stuff so i gotta include my girl yk?)

"paigeeeee!" kk said running over to me since we ended up on the same team. actually scratch that she damn there tackled me. i started laughing, "bro kk, what are you doing?" i said getting up and pulling her up with me.

"my favorite sophomore, how you doin?" she raise raising her eyebrows. i laughed once again before pushing her face. "i'm okay kk, thanks for asking and you?" i replied.

"all sunshine and rainbows yk?" she said lifting her hands making a rainbow. i chuckled and shook my head. "yea whatever man, let's get this dub or what?" i said raising my hand to dap her up.

she matched my energy and started jumping up and down. "let's go baby!!" once again, makes my mood way better. after we settled down and all the teams were done we started the scrimmage.

"and that's game! paige teams wins by 3!" coach geno said blowing his whistle. kk and i cheered doing like a chest bump.

"let's goo, oh yeaa, we did, uh huh!" kk said doing a dance. coach just laughed before calling us over. "okay! i'm gonna call it a day! we're gonna cut practice short because i need to make it to my nieces volleyball game tonight!" he said once we were all together.

wait. violet? OH SHIT! I GET TO SEE VIOLET PLAY! "i aspect some if not all of you guys there to support, not only my niece but her team! now go change and have a good weekend yea?!" he said putting his fist in the middle causing everyone else to follow.

i closed out and i jogged, no more like ran to my phone. i saw it was around 5:00 so i had bout an hour before the game. knowing azzi, nika, and i it would take all of us together an hour to shower and get dressed.

i sprint out the gym after i changed my shoes. i was jumping up and down waiting by the car for azzi and nika to come out. "well someone's happy?" azzi said as she approached.

i scoff before replying. "hell yea i'm happy! i get to see my girl play instead of missing it! so hurry the fuck up will ya?!" i said whining a little.

they both smiled and jogged towards the car hoping in. we drove back at a crazy speed to the dorms. nika didn't even get to full park the car before i was out and running into the building.

i said fuck the elevator and took the stairs. once i made it in i ran to my room to shower. yes i took my time in the shower, im not nasty. after i was done i decided to wear a graphic tee with some ripped jeans and grabbed a jacket in case it got cold.

 after i was done i decided to wear a graphic tee with some ripped jeans and grabbed a jacket in case it got cold

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her outfit.
by the time i was done it was like 5:30. i walked out my room and waited a bit for the girls to finish.

after some time the both emerged from their rooms. azzi was wearing a white tank top with some black ripped jeans and a pink printed jacket. while nika was wearing a baige-ish two piece and a grey hoodie wrapped around her waist.

"y'all ready? we have about..." i check my phone for the time. "about 10 minutes to get there. i believe it's a 15 minute drive to the gym." i finished to which they both nodded and we jogged out the door.

we hopped in my car, and i legitimately sped off. we made it there with like 3 minutes to spare. by the time we got in the gym we were looking around for seats.

we saw coach geno with aubrey and walked over to them. "hey ladies! glad to see you guys made it just in time." we all smiled and sat down. we were in the student section close but not too close to the gym floor.

hopefully if violet was to look over she'd see us. after awhile they announced they starters and began the game. violet was serving first.

god she looked beautiful in her uniform. the ref blew her whistle indicating that violet could serve over. she did and the other team wasn't able to receive.

our student section cheered. while the team on the floor celebrated cheering 'ahh ACE woo!' they rolled the ball back to violet. she was waiting to serve again. as she waited she looked over to the student section.

i swear, i don't know if i'm delulu but me and her made eye contact and she smiled a winked before the whistle blew again.

god no one's every made me blush as much as she did.

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