Part 28

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Violet POV

Paige and I have been sitting here talking and eating. i'm having such a great time. i'm so glad she asked me out on a date.

paige sets her sandwich down and looks at me. i've already finshed eating and have been rambling on and on. i stop once i see her in my peripheral vision.

"yes..?" i say confused. she smiles at me and pushes everything aside and scoots closer to me. "you know i like right? like a lot.." she holds my hands as she says this making me blush and nod my head.

"i know that this is our first date but i really like you and want you to be mine..." she trails off. i feel my heart beat increase thinking about what she's about to say next.

she sighs before continuing. "what i'm trying to say is, will you allow me to be your girlfriend?" my heart stops...she wants to be my girlfriend. she didn't ask me to be hers but if she could be mine...omg!

"please say something, i feel like i'm about to pass out from anxiety" she says squeezing my hands and looking in my eyes with a worried look. i smile and squeeze her hands back.

"ofc bueckers, ofc you can be my girlfriend" i say leaning in to kiss her. she immediately returns the energy grabbing the back of my neck.

"please let me take care of you" she says whispering against my lips. "do whatever you please, girlfriend" i reply back.

she smirks and goes back to kissing me. she slowly pushes me back down onto the blanket. wet kisses from my jaw to my neck have the air taken from my lungs.

she finds my sweet spot on my neck and goes ham. "ugh" i groan pulling at the roots of her hair at her neck. she groans into my neck slightly biting it.

"fuck violet, i can't believe your finally officially mine" she says kissing down my neck towards my chest. my breath hitches as she gets closer to my boobs.

"mmm, i've always been a boob girl" she says unclasping my bra and tossing it to the side. she pulls back and groans. "and yours make my addiction worse baby, you're so pretty" she starts sucking on them making me moan.

"mmm" she moans against my chest. while she's focusing on my boobs i don't even realize her other hand makes its way under my skirt. that is till i feel her rub against my clit through my panties.

"ahh" i moan and arch my back against her. "lemme hear how good you feel baby. don't hold back" i hear her whisper in my ear. i feel her push my underwear to the side rubbing on my bare clit.

i clutch her shirt in pleasure. she continues to kiss down my body. i look down at her as she made it to my entrance. my breathing has picked up and i'm waiting for her to continue.

she smirks once she sees me looking. she slowly pulls off my underwear and throws it wherever she threw my bra. i don't care at this moment all i'm worried about is how good she's making me feel.

she runs her finger up and down my slit and groans. "fuck violet, you're so wet. is all of this from me mama? hmm?" i nod my head eager to feel her. she stops and looks at me. "words violet, don't play with me" she locks eyes with me.

fuck dominant paige is hot. she may have been hot while cumming but hearing her in a dominant voice is such a turn on.

"yes, paige im all wet and bothered from you now please do something about it" i said whining laying back down not even looking at her reaction.

i'm guessing it was a good thing cause she blows on my clit. i look back down quickly and see her head disappearing underneath my skirt in between my thighs.

fuck that's another sight i'm going to come to love. my thoughts get cut short when i feel her tongue run up and down on my pussy.

"fuck paige!" i throw my hand down to grip her hair. she groans and begins to grip my thighs.

she starts eating me out making me moan out loud. after awhile she adds a finger. i grip her hair harder and she adds another one which makes me clench my thighs.

"fuck me violet, you taste like heaven." i moan in response feeling myself come closer to an orgasm. i've never been eaten out this fast bro.

let alone let people go down on me. she fucks me with her fingers faster and adds pressure with her tongue. "fuck paige don't stop i'm so close pleasee" i moan out now trying to hold onto something other than her hair.

i don't wanna rip it out, her perfect blonde hair. so i move my hand but she lifts her head and grabs my wrist with her other hand. "no keep pulling" is all she says before going back down.

"fuck paige please! i'm so close please" hearing that makes me go faster. how is that even possible. her long ass fingers are hitting in the right place making me see stars. "dont cum unless i say" she says still underneath my skirt.

i moan out in disagreement wanting to release. "i can't, please paige please" i say feeling tears well up in my eyes. the pleasure she's giving me is so amazing im fucking crying!

"you wanna cum mama? you cum all over my face pretty girl? hmm? wanna feel good?" damn, hearing her dirty talk to me in that semi-deep voice she has is turning me on more and pushing me over the edge.

"yes! please! please, lemme cum all over your fucking face" i whine out pushing her head in more. "cum" and boy did i do as she said.

i let out a loud moan/scream as a cum. it felt so good i clench my thighs around her head pushing it farther into my skirt, grinding my hips on her face.

after awhile i try and wiggle away feeling overwhelmed by the pleasure. once she finally pulls away i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding in.

i look up at her as she licks her fingers?! boyyyyy, that's shit was SO hot! after she's done with that she kicks her lips and leans in to give me a kiss.

i kiss her back with passion. "you taste yourself? you taste out good you are?" she says pulling back peering down at me. "mhm" i say out of breath and tired as hell.

she smirks and laughs a little before sitting up. "you good mama?" she says looking down at me. "mhm, tired" is all i say making her laugh.

"well how bout i dress you and you hop in the car while i clean up?" she says standing. i nod and go to lean up, then attempting to stand. key word ATTEMPTING! the second and i mean second, i try to stand my legs feel like jelly and i 'fall' onto paige.

she catches me thank god but laughs in the process. "can't walk?" she says in such a smug tone making me glare at her. she laughs again like the little devil she is and picks me up bridal style and carries me to the car.

once she sets me in the passenger seat she buckled me up and kisses my forehead. "my pretty" she says as she walks back to pick up the stuff.

i don't even remember passing out but when i tell you that sleep was needed i mean it. i'm just glad that i now get to call paige bueckers my girlfriend.

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