Same Body, Same Eclipse. | TSAMS Oneshot

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Characters: Lunar, Solar, mentioned Eclipse.

AU: Kinda??

Genre: Hurt but little comfort, Angst.

Requested by LolliArt2011


(Btw: That is not in the daycare. They've a house they live in and something like that.)

"Hey, Lunar - You in there?" The concerned, yet firm voice of Solar cut the air, breaking through the room of Sun, until it eventually dismissed its warmth. Lunar's hear sensors heared it in a threatening tone.

"The same voice, the same Eclipse", whispered the voice in his head, conflicted with distrust and fear. "It will happen again. Do you think he's good? Pathetic." "Leave me alone," Lunar uttered, a shadow creeping across its face when the lights passed above the toy house the animatronic was in. He reflected his mental exhaustion in burying his head into his close-pulled legs, the fabric of his pants settling on his face, seeking for comfort and relaxation in his inner conflict melting within the emotional turmoil. The glow in his eyes dimmed, the usual impactful colours, blending with a touch of yellow, crossing above his glaze when he felt the harsh air, shaping the form of the sun-alike animatronic, wavering across his back. He lurched forward, his muscles instictively retreating and his eyes narrowing, distorting his view as he felt a fingertip, creating in smooth yet comforting motions of small circles around his shoulder area. Even if he felt a bit of warmth in this physical affection, his inner voice took control. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Despraitness, frustration, agony, yet a hint of fear. Everything melted to tears running down his face, leaving an intense amount of trail of drying tears.

"He's Eclipse. Don't trust him. He's Eclipse. He will hurt you again. Same body, same Eclipse."

In the spectacle of emotions unfolding on his face, the inner thoughts were amidst the chariatophy of crackling fabric, conveying that someone few a step back. "He's gone. its safe," soothed the voice in his mind as the door shut, only the fragrance of oil and hurt concealing the fear slicing the atmosphere into facets - Fear, agony, rage, sadness and a touch of relief. Everything accumulating in Lunar's, yet also Solar's eyes.

The heavy breath of Solar stifled as he clenched his teeth. The fidgeting of his fingers, rubbing each other, resulted into mechanical clicks overlapping with the shifting and ticking of his heaters. Solar's LED eyes combined the various shapes of red and orange, pushing away his charactiazation from the monochrone walls as he entered the basement. The stairs pushed down as he guided his way descended, feeling the aromas of wet and moss drowning the intense scent of oil. His hands accumulated with dust, his palm filling with water as he glided his hand along the wall, his fingertips soar as he drilled them into the first layer, feeling the moisture and mold wrapping around his finger. His rays bounced up and down, his gaze fixated onto the ground, his feet making the stairs vibriate omniously.

A swift mood, a bit lifting the edges soothly around his lips, came across his vision as he saw his distraction: Work. Despite the inner turmoil, surfacing occasionally when his attention wasn't shifted to his environment, he had the urge to work. Work away the feeling. Work away the thoughts from what Lunar said.

He approached the desk where tool boxes spread organized, shimmering in the dimming ceilling light what swinged softly when the corner of his rays played around it, retracting and shifting independently. He opened the box and revealed their content - Calipers, Pliers, Screwdrivers and Wire Cutters. Everything shimmering in the light what casted a glow upon them, reflecting in his LED eyes, their light dimming and reinforcing in a twitching manner. He lifted one of the Wire Cutters, but frooze in an instant as the inner conflict caught up.

Why does everyone think I am him? Everyone looks me with this glaze - Distrust. So why do I can't keep it together? I probably messed something up, causing their act. It's MY FAULT. His thoughts rang in his mind, a repentive ticking noise adding volume to his inner conflict, filling up the anxiety stuck in his throat, his tongue feeling raspy and soar, his hands fidgited. The once graceful, yet smooth movements replaced with uneasy shoulders and hands. His shoulders were uptight, his hands balling to fists, the fingers beneath the metal crackling and hissing by the elevated pressure, as the voices didn't let go.

Don't fail, don't fail, don't fail.

Not like you did with Sun.

Not like you did with your Moon.

Not like you did with Lunar...

This is an open ending. You can imagine what he means with "Not like you did with Lunar" and what will happen next, it's your choice :D Hope you enjoyed!

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