Ignored/ nightmare

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I was chilling on the couch waiting for Colby to get home so we can go to sleep. I was watching my favorite show strawberry shortcake. I heard the front door close and I got up from the couch to see Colby. He had a straight face on usually he would be happy to see me I guess not today.

He walked pass me and didn't say anything. I got up from the couch and walked towards him. " Hi baby!" I said then kissed his cheek.
All he did was continue to be on his phone. I then put my face down to his phone so he can see me. Still he had a straight face.

I then sighed and went upstairs to change into some flare leggings and a pink sweater. I got downstairs and put my uggs on. Before leaving I looked at Colby to see him still on his phone. I got out the house and was freezing. It was mid winter so it was really cold out.

I got in my car and drove to target to make Colby a brr basket. I arrived at target and got all the stuff I need. It was already 11am once I arrived at home. Walked up the steps and into our house to see Colby not there anymore. I put my bags down and went upstairs to me and Colby's room.

I saw Colby laying face down in our bed sleeping. I went up to him and kissed his cheek and said. " good night colbear." I got out his room and went downstairs to make him his brr basket.

After an hour it was now 12am and his brr basket was ready. I went upstairs with his brr basket and opened the door to see him stirring in bed while saying my name over and over again. " Colby?" I said. " Colby babe wake up!" I said while walking over to him and shaking him gently.

"LIV!" Colby screamed out and was now sitting up. He grabbed my head to his chest and kept on saying. " You're ok..." " Colby what happened?" You said and looked up at him.
" I just had a bad dream that's all." He said then let go of you. " You wanna talk about it?" You said but instead he just ignored and turned to sleep again.

You got out of bed and grabbed the brr basket.
" Colby." You said hopefully. He didn't say anything " I made you a brr basket!" You said happily. All he did was turn to you and close his eyes again. You set the brr basket down in front of him and got your pajamas to change in the bathroom.

I got to the bathroom and cried at the floor thinking what you did wrong to make Colby not talk to me. I changed into my pajamas and crying on the floor again. I heard some picking at the door handle and when it opened I saw Colby there with a sad look.

Colby then picked me up and walked over to our bed room and layed in bed with me. " Don't do that again!" I said. All Colby did was hushed me and smothered my hair out. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed my forehead and told me good night.

I kept crying still. All the sudden Colby got with me and toke off his Hoddie and put it on me. He then picked up and other shirt to put on and then picked me up. I put my head on his chest and one of my arms on his shoulder.

He walked downstairs and to the closet to get a blanket. He then walked over to the couch and sat down with me still in his arms. I was now sitting on his lap with my hands to myself. Colby got the remote and put strawberry shortcake on.

I quietly stopped crying and leaned my head onto his chest. Colby turned my head to make me look at him and wiped all my tears away.
Colby kissed my cheek and said. " I'm sorry baby I just needed space I had a long and rough day today I'm sorry." " But thank you for the brr basket you made me I love it baby." He then kissed my cheek. " your welcome." I said.

Colby wrapped the blanket around me and put his hand on my stomach. I was looking at my show when I turned to look at Colby already looking at me. " what?" I said with confusion. He then started to laugh and I started to laugh too. He then put his head down, and attacked my cheek with kisses.

I was laughing so hard my stomach was hurting a lot but that didn't stop me. Colby then looked up at me and smiled. " I love you." I said with a soft tone. " I love you too sweetheart" Colby said. I the. Laughed a little and pulled Colby's face down to my lips and kissed him with full Passion.


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