Chapter Ten, NESSOLA

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What the fuck, what the fuck, what the ever loving fuck! The studious chant plays on repeat inside my head as my mushy brain tries its best to figure out what's happening right now.

I went to sleep having the hottest sex dream in my life and woke up to a drenched pussy, a fullness in my stomach I've never felt before, and three nightmares hovering above my bed with their monstrous dicks just hanging out.

As soon as I realized that this was in fact not a dream, I leapt from my bed and grabbed the gun Rita gave me.

I was fully prepared to shoot the creepy cosplay dudes for breaking into my apartment while I slept but then I looked down at myself and saw lavender skin where pale white used to be and freaked out even more, accidentally pulling the trigger when the gray dude started towards me. Luckily it hit him right in the center of his chest even though I wasn't actively aiming for anywhere particular.

The shock of actually shooting someone has me accidentally dropping the gun on my floor, only for it to go off and shoot Dhar in the thigh.

"Oh, fuck." I coak out, totally not intending for that to happen, but beggars can't be choosers and all that.

I lunge for the gun to shoot the red guy, but he beats me to it and kicks it out of my way. "That wasn't nice, little one." He scolds me, like I'm a damn puppy, instead of a badass warrior bitch who just shot his friends.

I don't hesitate to leap onto him and claw his eyes out with my nails. At least, that was my aim. Instead, my foot steps on something from behind me and the pain it causes to shoot up my back has me tripping over my feet and landing in a heap on my floor.

"Oh my Hades, that was adorable. She just stepped on her tail like a tot learning to walk." Dhar laughs.

I look over and see him standing there perfectly fine without a care in the world. The first guy I shot seems to be fine too, no bullet hole in his chest or blood pouring from a deadly blow. Again, what the fuck?

It takes my brain a second to comprehend what Dhar said, and I immediately look behind me and see a long, slender, snake-like thing wiggling behind me.

"Oh my god, what is that?" I scream, trying and failing to scramble to my feet and get away from whatever it is, but it keeps following me.

"She is adorable, chasing her tail like a puppy." The gray guy says with a chuckle at my expense. Ass.

I stop chasing what is apparently a freaking tail and scowl at all three of them. "What. Is. Happening?" I grind out through clenched teeth as I tighten my fists at my sides.

"Little one." The light red guy says gently as he slowly steps towards me and stops about a foot away from me. "My name is Suraned, Sur for short, and if you give us a chance, we can explain everything." He's speaking to me in a gentle tone like I'm a spooked deer he's trying not to run off.

I nod my head once and he takes a relieved breath. Honestly, what choice do I have? Clearly something... weird, is going on here and they're the only ones that can shed some light on it.

"Good. Dhar already told you earlier when you first met." Sur starts and I look over at Dhar and see him grinning at me. Our conversations and everything he said comes rushing back and my eyes widen as I quickly look back at Sur for him to continue. "Yes, everything he told you was true. All of it. I know it sounds insane and unbelievable but it's easy to prove." He gives me a small smile, "Just go look in the mirror for a start."

I gulp and then slowly make my way over to my dresser mirror. I freeze in place at the person or thing staring back at me.

I'm a light shade of purple, like lavender, with tiny horns sprouting from the top of my head. I look exactly the same other than those two glaringly obvious differences. I run my tongue over my teeth and feel my canines have also become a tad sharper. I don't think they're sharp enough to tear into anyone's throat, but it's there.

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