Chapter 24, Nessola

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Once we're all done with breakfast, the guys and I sit in the second level of the tree house and enjoy nature's atmosphere. I've never had the chance to enjoy this before. Growing up in the city, even when I was homeless and sleeping outside, the air was so polluted and the sounds were loud and constant. This, right here and now, is my own personal heaven. That thought gets me thinking...

"If this is the Underworld, what humans consider Hell, then is there a heaven equivalent?" I ask them.

Dhar is sitting next to me on the double seater, practically in my lap he's so close. Sur is in a recliner type seat with pursed lips as he contemplates my question. And Rath... Rath is sitting in a bean bag like chair scowling at my mouth.

"Yes and no." Sur finally answers. "It's called Heaven, just like humans do, but it's not all rainbows and floating clouds with tiny naked winged babies like they assume." He practically scoffs that last bit. "It's not much different from the Underworld actually. The angels are assholes though."

"Fucking cunts. That's what they are." Dhar mutters.

"That they are." Sur nods.

"Aren't angels supposed to be these almighty good beings? Protectors basically?" I ask. From what I've had shoved down my throat my whole life that's what I was taught.

"Fuck, no." Sur answers. "The angels are just guard dogs. Humans misinterpret everything they think they know, even when it's spelled out right in their faces. They think Angels are humanoid creatures with wings, they are actually terrifying beasts that don't resemble humans in any way. They have hundreds of eyes and limbs and animal parts. Demons of the Underworld resemble humans more than they do. The Archangels are the ones that resemble humans, and those fuckers are the ones that run the show up in Heaven. Their entire existence is to keep everything there pure, including the bloodlines."

"No sex, no touching, no fun, period." Rath finally chimes in and stops staring at my mouth.

"How do they create more Archangels then? If there's no sex?" Thank fuck I'm not a being from Heaven. Could you imagine?

"They don't. Their King, what humans know of as God, just poofs them into existence when their numbers get low."

"So God is real? That's... cool." Strange knowing that I would have ended up in Hell either way now. "So he really created humans?"

"Yep." Dhar smirks. "He and Loki, the god of mischief, got drunk one night playing poker and Loki bet him he couldn't create a new world with powerless beings and have them last longer than a hundred years."

"So he created Earth and humans and now it's basically a big fuck you to Loki. The Earth realm is essentially kept going just to spite Loki now. Loki has tried numerous times to destroy it by creating 'natural disasters' and plagues, but God just sends his lap dogs there to counteract the damage."

"That's... both hilarious and terrifying to know." I say with wide eyes and my jaw hanging open. If only those cults on earth knew the truth.

"A lot different than the beliefs being taught there, I'm sure." Sur laughs.

"Wait a minute." I wave my hand as a new thought hits. "If Loki is the 'God' of mischief does that mean the other mythological God's are real?"

"All of them are real. I don't know how humans got their hands on that information but it's one thing they got right. Too bad they mostly passed it off as mythology." Dhar answers.

"If that's true, then how is God named God? Or does he have a different name and he's just the God of Heaven?" I can feel my head practically swelling as I take in all this new information.

"Oh he's just a narcissistic bastard. When he won the bet against Loki he won the right to be called just God."

"So what's his real name?"

"It's hilarious actually, and the whole reason he only wants to be called God." Sur smirks in amusement. "His real name is actually H—"

Sur is interrupted before he can finish his sentence when there's a booming knock on the door downstairs. I look at all three men and their faces are filled with resignation and determination.

"Who is that?" I ask them, feeling dread climb up my spine because I think I already know.

"That would be our summons to your father." Sur's words confirm my suspicion.

Well, here we fucking go. Again.

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