Chapter 3: School

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Sorry for skipping the road trip but I didn't know what to add.

Ben's POV 


August, 17 2026

After a lot of fun and s*x it was time for school. First we were assigned Dorms. Luckily my dorm-mate is Mike! So that's REALLY good and Zoe and Teagan were paired together so they are going to have a lot of 'fun' so they will be tired. Unfortunately Sasha was paired with someone we don't know but i'm pretty sure her name is Erica or maybe its Emily and don't tell Sasha this but she is cute. If she wasn't dating anyone and I wasn't dating anyone I would ask her out but that won't happen because 1) We are both dating someone and 2) Er- I mean Sasha and I love each other. After Mike and I got our dorm we went to our classes but not to learn only to see how long it would take to get from one class to another and all of ours are close to each other so that's VERY good. Other than that it was very chill.

Time skip 24 hours 

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE-" my alarm went. "Ugh. Mike get up we need to get ready for class." I said sleepily " This is the one thing I hate about school besides learning, sitting, being quiet, grades, homew-" "Mike I get it you don't like school unless you get to do sports or see your girlfriend." "Ben you know me too well." After our little conversation I took a shower and then put on a GAP sweatshirt and jeans because I want to be comfortable but I want to make a good first impression so I put the 2 together. "First class is Math so get a notebook and a calculator." I told Mike but he just chuckled. " But Ben I can't fit you in my pocket." once he said that I knew he was implying I was a calculator. " Mike i'm smart but not that smart." "Are you sure about that?" "Yes. Now let's go." "Ok" 

Once we got to math class the professor was Mr. Hofstadter (Do you know who he is?) "POP Quiz. I just want to see where you guys are at. so it's alright if you get some wrong and I will give y'all 45 minutes to finish." Once he finished handing them out he said "Go." And we were off. After 15 minutes I was finished. "Here" "You know it was 10 pages back and front?" "Yeah" "Ok leave it here." I put it down and sat back at my seat. After 30 minutes everyone had finally finished and it was time for the next class but Mr. H pulled me off to the side and said "You got all of them right and you did it the fastest so I am going to move you up to Advanced Calculus." "Thanks I appreciate it." " But you will stay in this class for the rest of the week and then you will be moved." "Understood." After the talk with the professor Imet Mike outside. "Let me guess. You did so well on the quiz Professor H is moving you up to a more difficult class." "Yeah" I said while rolling my eyes.

Next was Physics and of course Mike had a different class. As I got to the class we sat down and once we did Sasha's roomy Erica walked in and there was only one more seat and you guessed it next to me she sat down and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Erica." " I'm Benjamin but you can call me Ben." "Oh your Sasha's boyfriend." "Oh so she talks about me?" "She can't stop talking about you." " So you know who i'm dating so may I ask Are you anyone dating?" "Oh yeah his name is Joshua." "Joshua what?" "Halal why?" SH*T! "We went to middle school together and we don't have the best history." "Oh I'm sorry to hear that but he is great." "That's good." After we talked about Joshua I was really tense. "Hello class! My name is Doctor Cooper." And just like math class we had a quiz and once again I finished really early. After I gave Dr. Copper my quiz and then I went back to my seat. After about 5 minutes Erica asked me a question." Hey can you explain this question to me." " Sure" After I explained it she managed to finish her quiz but something was off yet I couldn't put my finger on it. Fortunately Erica and I were in all the same classes so that's something but there is something about her that draws me closer. Hopefully it doesn't get in the way between me and Sash because that would be bad and I have a BAD feeling about Joshua worse than usual. 

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