5 things the devil does not want you to know

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1) he can't hear your thoughts (but he can hear your words so he plants certain thoughts in your head to make you speak certain words out your mouth that's why it's important you watch what you say)

2) he's afraid of you (he sees your spirit and he knows what it is that you possess he doesn't want you to reach your God-given potential because he knows that once you do you're going to go after him and his plan)

3) fear is his favorite tactic (if you experience fear, know that it is not from God but the devil knows that if he can keep you fearful, worried, and anxious then he can prevent you from becoming the powerful force that God created you to be)

4) there is no in-between (you can't serve two masters)

5) he's a master of disguise (he can be anyone)

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