: ̗̀➛The Beginning

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Being a citizen in Mount Rageous has its perks.

You were a well-known individual! Most citizens knew you, not everyone, but a good amount. You had no jaw dropping abilities that would make you notable by the entire town, but some Rageons caught you performing on the streets, sometimes in local bars. You had a wonderful voice to catch a crowd of, at max, 30. You sang cover songs instead of performing songs of your own, not wanting to reveal those to the public yet. 

Rageons came to listen to you and your soothing voice, those listening being instantly entranced and becoming fans of your work. You never sang for the intentions of gaining attention, you did it for the people to enjoy. Sure the attention was nice sometimes, but you wouldn't admit that out loud. 

On other days, you were just usually out and about in the town, admiring the bright lights and liveliness of the city. You would usually be seen volunteering as well, whether it'd be for Mount Rageon pets looking for homes, or providing supplements for the citizens, or even just spending a day outside of your estate to bask in the welcoming environment. You were like some kind of a local celebrity, as the others would say.

Everyone would compliment your looks when you caught their eye from all the bling that your body possessed as well. You knew how to style your outfits and that was somethign you admired about yourself heavily. You could say you got along with your peers pretty well.

One morning when waking up from a pretty bland night, removing your sleep mask, you opened your phone to see it blow up from "the two new hottest singers in Mount Rageous." Curious, you opened a notification from Twitter (X 🤓☝️)  to find two pretty attractive siblings. Velvet and Veneer. Overnight popstars that have been climbing the charts for months. You wanted to find more information on the two, since the news of them being the #1 popstars around already became the most interesting thing that happened to you yet today. Although you only had just woken up.

After learning a little more about them, and getting dressed for the day, you plopped down on the couch and turned on the television. You see their faces yet again as they're being interviewed on how their careers went sky-rocketing. Velvet acted pompous as she was kissing herself up about her inspiration being herself while Veneer squirmed in his seat over the mention of a "secret." They were honestly a pretty iconic duo and they worked well with one another.

Apart from their big show at this big spherical performance center, also known as the "Rage Dome", where they would win the prestigious lifer award--celebrating a lifetime of achievements--they had little shows in preparation for their big event. Their upcoming show is in 2 hours and you just had to go see these big hotshots. 

You scurry around to try and find enough cash to show up; thank god for tippers! You go through your best tops and bottoms to find the perfect combination to surpass everyone else's tonight.

Having fine-tuned your appearance, styled your hair, and selected your best accessories, you still had ample time to grab lunch before making your way there. After savoring tea sandwiches and your preferred drink at your favorite cafe, you headed out, having enjoyed your time indulging in the delicious food.

Bright lights surrounded your vision and you grinned at the satisfaction it brought you with how lively everything was in the city. Making your way to the 'Boom Box,' where they were performing, was a trip. Traffic was INSANE going down there, with vehicles piling up on each other when trying to get in to see the twins perform. But the inside of the building where the concert was held was WORSE.

Upon entering the Boom Box, lights flashed rapidly inside of the premises as crowds of Mount Rageons huddled together and cheered for the superstar duo. After basking in an incredibly ear shattering atmosphere, surrounded by music and screaming that made the walls look animated as they bounced, it didn't take that long for you to realize; this was not a good idea. If one more person bumped into you, you seriously thought you were gonna lose it.

You tried squeezing past people in order to leave, and part of you hoped that one of these thirsty fans will post at least a snippet of this concert on YouTube. People continued hopping and cheering and screaming and blocking your path. They wouldn't be able to hear "excuse me," so you had no choice but to get aggressive. You started using your elbows and forearms to knock through people but it didn't work so they shoved back. Just your luck you got shoved towards the stage! Yippee!

It was your original plan to go see them, yes, but your migraine was yelling at you to leave and get rest. When turning away from the stage to start pushing again, steam came bursting out from behind the curtain and the place went NUTS. You turn your attention back towards the stage as two shadows illuminated from behind the curtains.

'Sweet Dreams' started blaring throughout the club. Popstars with actual taste, you thought. This might actually be entertaining! ..as long as your ears don't explode off your head.



INTRODUCTION DONE!!! YAHOO!!!! This was a short ass chapter though.

I'm literally all down for those two. Velvet and Veneer are so adorable bro. AND they remind me of times when I was younger. THAT SOUNDS SO CORNY I KNOW BUTTTTT.... they literally give off the same vibes of Lou from Uglydolls and the Dazzlings from Equestria Girls. OF WHICH I HAD BIG OBSESSIONS WITH WHEN I WAS YOUNGER. History repeats itself man, I'm telling you.

I have no clue how to conclude stories I've NEVER published a story on any platform before. But, UNTIL THEN!!! BUH-BYE!!!! :3

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