Preference #10 you slap him

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Ace: You were fighting with Ace again, this time was for talking in Spanish too loud on the phone. "What if your cheating on me with some guy from fucking Costa Rica and I wouldn't know cause I don't speak Spanish?!" He yelled at me. "I would never cheat on you!" I yelled back shaking my head. "Well you seem like the girl to do that y/n." he said. You were so angry. You lifted your hand and slapped him hard across the face. So hard his toothpick fell out of his mouth. He held his cheek with a surprised look on his face.

Charlie: You were at the store looking around for organic nuts. You saw a cute guy with blonde hair and blue eyes hanging out with his friends. Once you look a little harder at them you noticed they were the Cobras. And the cute boy you were looking at was Charlie Hogan. Like always the boys were pressuring him to do something he didn't want to do. They were pushing him towards you. He walked up to you. "Hey sugar tits." he said will a smirk on his face. You never slapped someone as hard as you did to Charlie.

Billy: You were hanging out with Vern and his friends in the tree house. All of a sudden there a knock on the door. "That's not the secret knock." we all said in unison. The wooden door pushed open and Billy came in. "Vern get your ass home it's time for dinner." He yelled at Vern grabbing his arm. "Hey don't yell at him, he didn't know." I said softly. "Oh look you have the tree house slut sticking up for you." Bill scoffed. You slapped him hard across the face and left the tree house.

Eyeball: You were at your house cooking yourself dinner because your parents were gone as usual. You heard a knock on the door so you decided to go check if it was murderer. You open the door to find your boyfriend Eyeball Chambers. You gave him a kiss before going back to cooking. As you were cooking you felt like someone was behind you. All of a sudden you feel a slap on your ass. You turn around and slap Eyeball so hard that there was a very red hand print on his face. And it was there for a while.

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