How You Sleep

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Chris: You sleep with your head on his chest with one leg flopped over his waist and Chris, being the protective one he is he has an arm wrapped around waist.

Teddy: Teddy is super clingy in his sleep. You think he knows what he's doing but you know he'd deny it if you said anything about it, but anyway he likes to have his arms around you while your face is buried in his neck.

Vern: You guys are classic. You guys cuddle with your face buried in his chest as you fall asleep and stay that way for most of the night.

Gordie: You guys both start out with some sort of cuddling but since both of you guys have an over-active imagination you always end up tossing and turning or talking before you fall asleep. You guys are never in the same position as you were falling asleep.

~ Jaime
A/N: Sorry this is a bit short :)

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