Chapter 10

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A Daughter's Courage: Uniting Hearts and Overcoming

Mr. Balogun paced back and forth on the balcony of their family house, his lean frame betraying the worry etched on his face. The air buzzed with anticipation as visitors streamed in – Mama had summoned all his siblings. Being the wealthiest among them, he had always maintained a strong bond with his family. "Brother Femi," a woman, white and bearing a striking resemblance to Mr. Balogun, called out. "Ah, Fadekemi, you're here?" he replied, forcing a smile. "Don't dwell on it too much. You need to be healthy for your daughter," Fadekemi said, patting his back reassuringly. Mr. Balogun nodded, and soon the balcony was filled with three men and another woman, all siblings, standing in silence, their heavy hearts palpable.

"So, if something terrible had happened, we wouldn't be together like this?" Mr. Balogun's voice broke the heavy silence. Their expressions mirrored the pain they felt. "We've been neglectful children to Mama. The last time we were all together was four years ago. No amount of money can compensate for that," he added, his voice laden with regret.

"You're right, things will change," the tallest of the siblings spoke up. "Fadekemi, Tunji, Sola, no more somber faces. My daughter is not lost to us yet," Mr. Balogun said, trying to dispel the heavy atmosphere. Suddenly, there was commotion at the gate, capturing their attention. "What's happening over there?" Fadekemi asked, concern etched on her face. "Sir, she's claiming she has news from the school, but I don't understand," the security man said, out of breath. Mr. Balogun sprinted downstairs upon hearing this, his siblings joining him in the rush. "What's wrong?" Mama asked, her voice filled with worry, but they paid her no heed. "Speak, what do they say?" Mr. Balogun demanded. "They found her with some other girls. They're all in Ishakiri village," the young man explained, panting. Mr. Balogun collapsed to the floor, shaking with relief, and they guided him back indoors. Everyone rejoiced, thanking God for their daughter's safety.

"Mother, they've found Adebimpe," Mrs. Balogun exclaimed, her face lit up with happiness as she left the palace, joy radiating from her. The news reached the king, who ordered the palace to celebrate. Mrs. Balogun, however, couldn't shake off the voice that had spoken to her earlier, the one from the trance. She shared the message with the king and everyone present. "If she survives, then your work begins," the wise one among them reiterated, nodding in agreement. "We need the king's blessings to proceed to the next phase. Princess Adesuwa, you must return to Edo, and you cannot leave the palace," one of the women involved in the ritual said firmly. Mrs. Balogun hesitated, then dialed her husband's number, passing the phone to the king when he answered.

"We've arrived. Adebimpe was unharmed, but she refused to leave the other girls," Mr. Balogun informed his wife, his voice filled with joy. "Let me speak to her," Mrs. Balogun said, her voice trembling. "Mom..." Adebimpe's voice broke, tears evident in her tone. "My baby..." Mrs. Balogun whispered, both of them overcome with emotion. "I can't leave them, Mom. Their lives matter too. They won't just let them go," Adebimpe explained, her voice cracking. "The ancestors said the battle isn't over, especially for you. When you're safe, then you can save the other girls," Mrs. Balogun replied, leaving Adebimpe lost in thought. "There's one condition. I need someone to come with me. I'm sorry, but that's the only way," Adebimpe said firmly. "Alright, be here before nightfall. I've sent a chopper; it'll be there soon. Your father is also coming. I love you, darling," Mrs. Balogun said before ending the call.

"You're so stubborn, but I'm glad you're safe," Mr. Balogun said, hugging Adebimpe tightly. She left Ishakiri village with Tólà, explaining briefly to Tólà's parents, who had no choice but to let their daughter go. The other rescued girls were reunited with their families, bringing immense relief to parents who had been consumed by worry. The chopper swiftly made its way to Ijebu, reaching Mr. Balogun's family house in no time. "Take care of your family," Mama instructed Mr. Balogun as they prepared to board the chopper. "I will, Mama. Once everything is settled, I'll come to visit you," Mr. Balogun assured her, embracing Adebimpe and Tólà.

"Mom..." Adebimpe cried out, running into Mrs. Balogun's open arms. Mother and daughter held each other tightly, tears of joy streaming down their faces. The chopper's noise faded into the background as they shared their heartfelt reunion, observed by the maids and Mr. Balogun and Tólà, both smiling at the beautiful sight before them.

"My baby, did they harm you?" Mrs. Balogun asked, her eyes filled with concern as she held Adebimpe at arm's length. "Mom, first of all, I'm not a virgin, and I wasn't assaulted," Adebimpe replied, chuckling softly. "You know I'm not meant to know that information," Mrs. Balogun scolded playfully, her stern expression giving way to laughter. Mother and daughter laughed together, the weight of the recent events momentarily forgotten. Adebimpe introduced Tólà to her mother, who warmly embraced the young girl. Tólà, taken aback, attempted to kneel in greeting, but Mrs. Balogun quickly pulled her into a hug.

"How are your parents, dear?" Mrs. Balogun inquired. "They're all fine," Tólà replied briefly, cautious not to say anything amiss. "Enough of this, let's go inside," Mrs. Balogun said, leading the way. Inside, the family prepared to face the challenges ahead, strengthened by their love for one another and the courage of their daughter, Adebimpe, who had shown them the power of unwavering determination and the strength of familial bonds.

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