Chapter 1 - A hopeless life in the depths of hell

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(Rui's POV)

My whole life is freak show, but I'm the stangest part of it

Born from beta parents, it would be logical that I'm also like them

No, that's not the case

Unfortunately for me, I was born an omega, which is bad enough itself

I don't even know why my parents chose to keep me instead of giving me up for adoption

At the age of eight, I had already intellectually surpassed most people of my age and kind

At the age of ten, I already had my first soft heat during class, which is very early compared to others

That's when everything went downhill, some of the boys in my class started picking on me, and I became the main target for bullying

It was terrible, to the point I refused to go to school


Stop! You think picking on him is funny?
I don't know what the deal was, but he's human too!

A blonde boy defended me

He's a bit taller than me, his amber eyes shone with determination

For the first time ever, I felt safe

That's the alpha guy

The bullies scurried off, and I stood there, confused

*Sigh* Only weak people would pick on those weaker than them
Are you okay?

I wasn't sure of how to respond, I just nodded

That's great!

The bell rang, and we went off to our own classes

The next day, I went to thank him, but he wasn't at school

From what I heard from others, he had to transfer to a school closer to the hospital so his parents can pick him up before looking after his sick sister

And once again, my life was plunged into the bottomless pit of sadness and depression

/A few years later/

Rui, I have discussed with your father and we came to the conclusion that you'll be transferring to Kamiyama high


"But... isn't that place for beta and alpha students?!"

I understand... but we feel like you wouldn't learn as much if you just stayed where you are
You're a smart boy, and you should put that brain of yours to use instead of leaving it to waste
They said that if you manage to pass the entrance exam, you'll be able to enter under the condition that you keep your real status hidden to the others

And so... that's how I ended up here, in a whole different school

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