Brain Activity

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"Uuuugh. Wha....What happened?"



Rainbow Dash eyes were harshly stabbed with an unforgiving light. It was coming from an overhead lamp.

"Alright, whoever you are. You have 5 seconds to tell me where Rainbow Dash is. Or else."

Rainbow was baffeled to find Twilight standing over her, questioning her as if she were a criminal.

"What the hay are you talking about Twi!?"

"Where's the real Rainbow Dash!?"

"I AM the real Rainbow Dash!"

"Prove it!"

"After you became an alicorn, you had a weird craving for pickles."

"Hmmm, maybe you are."

Twilight scanned Rainbow Dash with her horn. Everything checked out. Except her skull.

"Hmmm. Rainbow Dash, do you remember anything from last night?"

"Well, I remember going to bed with Tank. Falling asleep. Then waking up here.
That's it."

"Have you been experiencing any headaches?"

"Every now and then. But nothing serious."

"Rainbow Dash, everything about this is serious."

"Twilight. What REALLY happened last night? We didnt kiss, did we?"

"WHAT!? No!"

Twilight explained her encouter with Dash last night. The part where Twi told her about the horn she saw on Dash scared her.

Did she really have a horn just like Sombra's?

And if so, why?

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