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"Ohh. I really hope she got the letter."
Twilight was pacing back and forth in her main hallway in the castle, anxiously waiting for Princess Celestia to reply back. She brought Rainbow Dash back with her after she sent the letter. Dash was passed out on a nearby couch, covered up with a blanket. She looked awful. Physically and mentally. Like she hadnt slept in days. Twilight was worried. Real worried. Her thoughts were inturrupted by a knocking at the door. She hurried to it.


She opened it to find her savior.

"Princess Celestia!"

"I came as soon as I could. Where is she?" Celestia had a concerned look on her face.

Twilighted pointed a hoof where Rainbow Dash was sleeping. Celestia approached, careful not to wake her. She looked like she could use some sleep. Twilight stood next to her.

"How long has she been like this?"

"Ever since she broke into the castle."

"Twilight. I think both you and your friend deserve the truth. Sombra is trying to take over her body. If he's succesful, Rainbow Dash, along with equestria will be in great danger."

Twilight was speechless. She was also furious. Why did he have to take one her best friends. Right then and there she made a promise in her head to Rainbow Dash.

I swear on my life, Rainbow Dash, I WILL get him away from you at all costs. I promise.

Rainbow Dash started to stir from her sleep. She raised her head up slowly, holding a hoof to it. Her mane was a tangled mess, along with her tail. She had bags under her eyes and still looked really tired. Her wings had feathers scattered in different places, as if she hadnt preened them in weeks. It looked painful.

"Wha- what's going on?" She said, dazed and confused.

Celestia was the first to speak.

"Rainbow Dash, do you mind if I have a look inside your head? It's very important."

"Sure, I guess."

"Thank you."

Celestia's horn lit up a beautiful golden color. She closed her eyes and concentrated on Dash. Rainbow closed her eyes and fell asleep again. Then Celestia sat down next to the couch.

She was now in Rainbow Dash's head to find Sombra.

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