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The next morning.

Alexandria's P. O. V.

"Alex wake up" she whispers. I groan. "Please? I need to talk to you" she says. I sigh and open my eyes. She kissed me softly and I respond." did you wake me up for sex. " I giggle." well no but kinda." she says pulling away a bit. I chuckle." what's wrong? " I ask sitting up." well. You remember when you signed the agreement" she asks. I nod." you also signed a contract" she admits." for? " I ask." I'm really sorry! " she says." what for? " I ask." to. Stay. With me. " she says shutting her eyes." Taylor why would you do that I have bills! " I say." I'll pay your bills you won't have to work! " she says. I push her off me and get off the bed and walk to the bathroom to wash my face. "Alex" she says. "I don't wanna talk to you right now" I say. "Please!" she begs. "I need time to cool off. I'm gonna go for a walk is that okay with you, master?" I say sarcastically. "That's not how this is gonna be" she says. "I have a life! I can't be locked up all the time just to pleasure you" I say. "You can have a life you wont be locked up. It'll be life a relationship you can still live" she says. "Why would I want to be in a relationship with someone who lied to me?" I ask. She sighs. "If you wanted to be together I already liked you. We could have done it slow. But now I'm not even sure if I wanna be with you anymore. I need to think. So please just give me some space." I say. She sighs. "Okay. Are you gonna come back?" she asks. "I have to don't I? At least until I stress that contract" I say grabbing my running shoes. Then I grabbed my phone and keys and walked out to go for a run.

Taylor's P. O. V.

"I'm such an idiot! She liked me and I ruined it!" I groan. "You told her the truth that's good" mom says over the phone. "Mom she hate me" I say. "She doesn't hate you she's overwhelmed." she says. I sigh. "You need to shred it and do this the right way if you wanna win her back." she continued. "I don't think she wants too. She seemed really mad." I say. "Talk to her. Let her yell and express herself. She'll get it out of her system and then you can talk calmly." she says. I sigh. "Okay." I say. I heard the lock on the door. "I gotta go mom love you" I say hanging up. I walk to greet her but she walked past me to the kitchen. I sigh. "You can yell at me." I say. "I don't want to" she says starting to make a sandwich. "I'm shredding it. You can pack your bags and leave." I say. "Now you're kicking me out?" she asks with a chuckle. "I don't know what you want!" I shout. "Oh we're yelling now" she says. "Now your pissing me off. What do you want Alex. Do you wanna talk aBout do you wanna leave or yell at each other?" I ask. "I want you to act like an adult and not a clingy child" she says."I'm not clingy" I say. "Why'd you hide the contract then" she asks." because of you reacting like this! " I shout." you're toxic" she says. I growl and pin her to the fridge. She let out a moan." you want this don't you. You're playing hard to get" I say. She groans." tell me I'm wrong. Tell me I'm wrong and I'll stop" I say. "I can't" she says."why not? " I ask." I don't want you to stop" she whispers. I smirk and kiss her roughly. She moans and responds eagerly." this is 100 percent toxic" I mumble." I'm not mad" she mumbles. I chuckle and grip her waist and move to her thighs lifting her up and placing her on the counter." this means you shred that contract. Tonight. And I wanna witness it" she says." deal. If we do this the right way" I say." we'll see won't we" she smirks. I bit my lip and pulled her shirt off and took a nipple into my mouth. She moans and tuggs at my hair. I groan and switch to the other nipple to give it the same treatment. Her phone rang. I reached in her back pocket. "No dont-" she started. "Who's Derek?" I ask. "Taylor-" she starts. "Why does he have a heart. And a kiss emoji" I ask. "He's my fiance. That I'm planing on ending things with. I found out he cheated and haven't changed the emojis." she says. "When will you end it? " I ask. " I don't know. " she whispers. I pull back. "I'm sorry. That's why I was upset about the contract. " she says." are you going back to him tomorrow. " I ask. " I have to" she says. I look at her." he has my daughter." she says.

To be continued....

A/n: cliffhangers are fun🌝

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