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Alexandria's P. O. V.

"Mommy momma! I peed in the toilet come look!" Alison says. We run over . "That's amazing!" me and Taylor say in unison and I put up Alison and spin her. She giggles. "Let me hold our daughter" Taylor says hugging her as well. I chuckle and kiss Alison cheek. "Let's go get ice cream to celebrate!" Taylor says. "Ice cream?" I ask. "Ice cream!" Alison says. "Okay okay ice cream" I chuckle. "Yay!" they both say. I smile at the similarities between them. "What?" Taylor asks. "You're so much alike" I say with a chuckled sob. "Oh" she coos pulling me into a hug. "I was afraid she'd be like him but oh how glad I am she's like you. Thank you. Thank you" I sob into her shoulder. She held me tight and left kisses on my head. " afraid I be like bad man? No mommy never" Alison says hugging my leg. I chuckle and pick her back up hugging her close. " I'm so glad." I say with a chuckle." come on let's go get you guys some ice cream" I say. Taylor smiles. 

At the ice cream shop.

"You can get whatever you like" Taylor says to Alison. Alison smiles and points to the birthday party cake ice cream." that's a lot of sugar" I say." come on it's just one scoop" Taylor says. I sigh. "Okay. One scoop of the birthday cake." I tell the lady. "Cup or cone?" she asks. "Cone!" Alison says. "Okay sugar or waffle cone?" she asks Alison. "Waffle!" Alison says. The lady smiles and handed her the cone. Alison smiles and sat down to eat it. "Do you want something?" Taylor asks. "No I'm okay" I say. "You can get something" she says rubbing my waist. I smile. "Chocolate?" I say cutely. She smiles and nods. "2 scoops of chocolate for my girl and I'll take two chocolate caramel." Taylor says. "Of course! In a cup or cone?" the lady asks. "Which would you like?" Taylor asks patting my lower back. "Cup is fine" I say. She smiles. "I'll have the same." Taylor says. "Wonderful" the lady says handing us our ice cream. "Thank you" Taylor says handing her cash. "Thank you! Have a great day!" the lady says. "you too!" we say. We sat down and ate our ice cream. "You're so messy it's adorable" Taylor says. I blush. She kissed my cheek softly.

time skip. the next day

"Yeah, I'll be there in about 10 minutes. thank you for letting me know." I say hanging up. "What happened?" Taylor asks rubbing her thumb on my hand. "She gave someone a black eye" I say. her eyes widen. "let's go" she says. we drove to the school, and they had her sitting in a corner. "Why is she in a corner? come here ali" I say. "mommy" she says running to me and hugging my lg. "she hit someone" the principal says. "I don't care. I'm her mother. not you. stop disciplining my daughter." I say. "Noted. may I speak with you in private? " She asks. "Anything you say in front of me you can say in front of Taylor" I say. "Ok. we are suspending Alison for 10 days." she says. "Why? Alison what did the other kid do to make you upset?" I ask. "thats not important" the principal says. "is your name Alison? " i ask. " the girl i punched is her daughter. but shes been doing it too." alison says lifting her shirt. i gasp as does taylor. "Ms. Martin" the principal says. "Theres no need for suspension. because im pulling her out of this school. and i suggest you get that kid of yours under control." i say picking up Alison and walking out of the school. "im sorry mommy" Alison says. "dont you dare apologize for that" i say. "but now you have put me in new school." she says. "i think im gonna homeschool you" i say. "finally" taylor says. i chuckle. "that means more time with mommy" alison says happily. i smile and nod. "come lets go home." i say kissing alisons forehead.

to be continued...

A/n: hope you like it! thank you for reading 🩷

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