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"Ivhek, retrieve SAM for me. I want some alone time with our buddy here" Nero told as he prepared his sadistic torture.

The sounds of screams is the only thing that you would here if you venture down deep into the champers and one of them is Afleck he is there being torture by Nero. The pounding of a large hammer hitting Afleck's chest, they were doing this to extract information out of him to gain the upper hand against the humans, "Now tell us feeble human on what your people desire to do?" Nero persuades Afleck on talking about their plans.

"You cannot foil our plans sorcerer!" Afleck shouted and spat at the sorcerer's face.

"A dull-witted answer there human" Nero told as he looked at his fiery eyes. He thrusted a small dagger to the man's leg and made him shut up with him showing another dagger and told him "If any more words that do not appeal the King surface from your foul mouth, I shall get you executed on the spot, you understand human?" Nero told as he pretended to slit Afleck's throat.

"Now, prepare yourself to see the king once again and tell him everything you know", Nero said as he removed the dagger creating a river of blood gushing out of Afleck's left leg. "Guards drag him away to the king's room" Nero told the guards who were protecting the exit of the cellar. Dragging Afleck to the king's room.

Afleck resisted as he was being dragged to the king's room, desperately pleading for mercy from the guards. He had no idea why he was being brought there and had no idea what was going to happen to him.

When they reached the king's room, Afleck was filled with dread. He had heard tales of the king's cruel interrogation methods and hoped that his pleas for mercy had not fallen on deaf ears. The moment Afleck entered the room, he knew why he had been brought. The king asked him questions about his fellow fighters and their plans to overthrow him.

The king wanted to know where the meetings took place, what tactics they would use to overthrow him and how many of them were involved.

Afleck felt his heart racing as he was thrown question after question. He knew that he could not betray his friends and knew that this knowledge would cost him his freedom.

The king, clearly frustrated, finally reached the end of his questioning and shouted at his guards, "My men, he is no use. Take him to the cellars and let us see if he would talk in another time" The king said to his guards that took Afleck to the cellars where he was once again locked up.

He knew he was in for a long and miserable stay, but he still held on to hope that one day he would be free again and be able to return to his friends and free this land of the horrible Mongols. But it would just be a pipe dream as of now for him as some chaos is ensuing in the palace the night after the assassination.

"My son!" The elder shouted in sorrow as he held his son's body, cold laying on the ground. He stood up and shouted outside to the whole village. "My dear citizen's our great king has been slain!" the elder wailed on and on for the people of the town to hear.

Later in the afternoon when Kanok and Ashley were eating lunch as Ashley examined Kanok's unique body physique, a few guards had knocked on Kanok's door. The guards were let in and had told Kanok of the fate of Grandmaster Kioto and was told to attend a funeral that was to be held in four days and life went on as usual for Kanok and Ashley.

"Hey, I know this may be awkward but may I ask you a question?" Ashley asked him, Kanok was taken by surprise by what Ashley told "Why Though?" He asked.

"I now need to return to being the leader of this town to replace my son and my grandson" He added to what he said.

"Speaking of, what happened to your grandson, I thought after Kioto was slain, he would lead the people?" Kanok asked confused to the elder who was sitting in the throne room.

"He had run away, he said that he could not bear to be the leader and wanted to leave, so I let him leave and took his position". He said looking at Kanok.

"Haven't you thought about Lucas, if he was the real traitor?" Kanok asked in curiosity, "No, he always has been an obedient child and never did anything wrong" The elder said to Kanok. "May I see Kioto's body", Kanok asked hoping to look for answers, "you may, follow me" The elder stood up and walked along with Kanok across the hallways to Kioto's bedroom where his body lays at rest.

"It is good to see you again old friend "Kanok murmured to himself and walked towards the corpse inspecting it, he took notice of the holes on his face. "Bullet wounds" the only word Kanok told. "Do not worry late friend, I shall avenge your death" Kanok whispered in Kioto's ear hoping for him to hear his words and left the building.

The elder was surprised with the sudden change of the Lighting Reaper's pace and was asking "Why are you in a hurry Kanok?"."I shall find answers, do you know any old friend of yours that may assist me". The elder said nothing but instructed Kanok to come back to the palace and discuss matters there. He made Kanok sit down and told him the story of an old friend of his.

"Thirty years ago, me and an old friend, Kioshi whom was the daughter of a dying monk's His last advice to her was,

'Mí dié xiāng, go and never return'. Taking his advice we, both fled and left behind everything we knew and loved, burning to ash".

"Mí dié xiāng changed her name to Kioshi and vowed to avenge her family and destroy the goblin race that was responsible for their demise.

"She was one of the more fearless female fighters that stopped a nothing and taking every opportunity if given to slay some Mongol soldiers, she took it upon herself to bring justice to her clan, no matter the cost which I agreed on as the Mongols were all the reason that this world is in chaos."

"Searching for the one responsible for her family's death, Kioshi and I offered money for assistance from an assassin, Khang Yu, an infamous warrior and master weaponsmith that can craft any weapon with ease from nothing but soil. With her life in his hands, Kioshi asked Khang Yu to forge the deadliest weapons and aid her in killing 'Xuè sǎ', the person responsible for her clan's death and my older brother, never knew he will actually betray us."

"With great reluctance, Khang Yu accepted her task. He forged an array of powerful and deadly weapons with which Kioshi was proficient. With these tools in hand, we set out to find and punish Xuè sǎ.

Raiding villages and fighting endless hordes along with Khang Yu and finally getting the revenge that we longed for for so long." The elder ended it there looking at an old looking Sai.

"So, this man called Khang Yu can help us in fighting?" Kanok asked as he looked at old weapons that were preserved in the palace, "Yes, he is the reason why we were able to bring down that snake". he sneered. "Then he's the person I need to meet" Kanok said as he walked off again, "Remember Lightning Reaper, I last saw him at the forest near the west side of the coast kilometers away from here, you need to prepare and let us see if he still is part of the living" The elder said before letting Kanok on his way.

After getting back to his house, he decided that it could wait so he helped out Ashley to clean the other room so that she can stay in there, both rooms are in the same place so only a wall separates them. Ashley was able to move out of the house her parents own and thanked him for convincing her parents to let her go. "By the way, Kanok what did you tell them?", Ashley asked. "I just told them that I was your lover" He replied while carrying her bags "You just didn't, do you like me?" She questioned him. "Yeah I do" Kanok told her will entering his house.

Ashley shocked him by slamming the door shut and quickly coming to him "Good" she simply said, "Because I really liked you too" She added. Kanok was struck with amazement on what he heard but he knew he has another objective in mind to do. "Hey, Kanok where are you going. I thought you were going to stay?" Ashley said as she noticed Kanok packing food and other materials to a large bag that he carried Kanok just told Ashley "Just keep safe and enjoy your stay at the house you got it?" Kanok asked making sure that Ashley was comfortable and with that he sets off to meet this stranger.

"Keep safe to my love" she said while she watched him ride down off town.

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