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The town square was silent as Harold knelt before the guillotine, his hands bound behind his back. The clank of armor echoed as the orcs readied the blade, relishing in the imminent execution.

Harold's breath came in ragged gasps as he stared down the cold steel of the executioner's device. "I never thought I'd see this day", he murmured, his voice heavy with resignation.

Suddenly, the air filled with the twang of a crossbow, and an orc fell, a bolt piercing its throat. "Harold!" Alex called out, rushing forward and skillfully firing another shot.

Harold's heart raced as Leon leaped from a roof and into the fray, his axes flashing in the sunlight.

"I told you we wouldn't let them take you", Alex said, his eyes fierce with determination. "We're in this together".

Leon gripped his battle axes tightly, his jaw tense. "They'll have to go through us first". "Never forgotten about me?" Mason replied back as he blocked a orc from slashing Leon who was untying Harold.

As the orc guards advanced, their vicious snarls filled the air. The tension crackled like lightning, and then the chaos erupted. Blades clashed, arrows whistled through the air, and the metallic clang of battle echoed through the square. Alex's crossbow hummed as he took down orc after orc, his

movements fluid and precise.

Leon's axes whirred as he leapt into the fray, a whirlwind of steel and fury and Mason slashed off any survivors. Together, they fought off the orcs, their battle cries filling the air and blood covered in the streets of the town. 

A gut-wrenching scream tore through the square as the orc's sword found its mark. Harold's heart pounded in his chest as he rushed to Alex's side, his hands slick with blood.

"Harold, go!" Alex's voice was strained, but determined. "Stop the orc leader. We'll hold them off". Anger showed in Harold's eyes as he nodded, his resolve hardening. With a roar, he sprinted towards the looming figure of the orc leader, his footsteps pounding against the cobblestones. The clash of steel and thunderous roars filled the air as the battle raged on behind him.

As he reached the orc leader, Harold faced him with steely determination "No human dare challenges me!" the orc leader shouted. The air crackled with tension as he squared off against his enemy, the weight of his past and the hope for his future pressing down on his shoulders.

The climax of the battle culminated in a scream, a moan, and a clash of steel, embodying the intense struggle for survival, redemption, and friendship that had brought them to this decisive moment.

Alex fell, his body hitting the ground with a heavy thud. Anguish filled Harold as he watched his friend fall. "Harold, we need to go. More guards are coming", Leon and Mason urged, their hands gripping on their weapons. The town square faded into the distance as they fled, but Harold's heart echoed with the thunder of Alex's final battle.

All three of them fell to the soft grass after they fled like cowards, leaving behind the corpse of their friend. "We, ran like cowards! I feel shame for our friend". Leon said as he stood up once again his fist pounding the pavement, "Let us lament brothers, we had lost Alex, a good friend" Mason said whilst, Harold simply nodded.

they all fell silent, mourning for their friend as the wind blew against the trees they leaned on, taking a moment to rest, "We need to reach Cassaport, there we can really make a difference" Mason stated.

"Your right but we are hundreds of kilometers from them, and the sea separates us from them" Harold responded, "What are you saying brother, you don't have faith in the younger?" Mason asked his older brother looking for answers from him.

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