~ Prologue : The Day They Became The Ones Who Lived ~

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Halloween 1996

It was a normal 31st October in the potter house. James was playing with Amari  in the living room. When James and Lily had been approached by Poseidon for Lily to carry his child they were honoured.

And then when they both had found out Lily was pregnant with Poseidons child he was happy even if the child wasn't biologically his. James and Lily were both ecstatic though when they found out Lily was pregnant with two baby's and one of them being biologically James, they couldn't wait to meet and raise both together, Lily even asked her best friend from America that had come over for school to be the god mother.

James had silently vowed that if anything were to happen to either of them especially Amari knowing who may come after her that he will protect them both with his life.

Anyway Tonight Amari was in a fussy mood because she is a little sick, and would cry if James didn't play with her. After a while, they started playing with her stuffed toys which seemed to calm her down a little.

"Amari,Princess." cooed James to her. She looked up at James giggling.

"How is she?" asked Lily looking at her daughter, who was on the floor. Lily was holding Harry in her arms who had just woken up from a nap.

"She fine. She is now finally happy," he said smiling at the little girl.

She gave her mother a small wave and a giggle, Lily smiled giving her a small wave back.

"That good to hear," said Lily, bending down giving her Little Amari a kiss on the head.

She put Harry on the floor, he started crawling over to Nixie and his father James.

He started playing with the toys, along side them. She was smiling brightly because when James thought Lily was asleep he would check up on his step daughter at night,

he would go into her room. When everyone was asleep and she was wide awake. He would play with her toys with just her and him.

"They enjoy spending time together playing," said James smiling at the two.

"Yes they do," said Lily smiling at both of her children playing happily.

Amari started to get tired. She yawned leaning on James falling asleep dropping the stuffed wolf she had in her hands. James smiled brightly at her and picked her up taking her over to the playpen laying her down on a soft fluffy blanket and Amari fell into a deep sleep.

James picked Harry up as he was making grabbing hands up at Him, He holds onto him tight. he sat on the sofa reading a nursery rhyme book to Harry. About 10 minutes later of James keeping Harry occupied with reading to him and Lily watching the two of them.

James heard a sound from the front gate. He walked towards the front window Harry still in his arms, looking outside onto the front garden. he saw someone walking up the path, with a hood up but He saw who the person was, and it was the person who they were hiding from.

"Lily, take Harry and Amari and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off ------." he said panicked.

Amari was still in the playpen fast asleep. Lily running over picking her little girl up the quickly took Harry from James's arms giving him one last kiss. She ran upstairs holding onto her children. The front door blowing open.

"Where are the boy and girl?" asked Voldemort to him.

"They are not here," said James trying to protect Harry and Amari but the sound of a door closing came from upstairs was heard.

"Liar!" shouted Voldemort to him. Voldemort getting his wand out of his pocket. He pointed his wand at James.

"Avada Kedavra!" he shouted.

The green light hitting James in the chest killing him instantly and his lifeless body fell to the ground. Meanwhile upstairs, Lily heard a thud downstairs knowing it was James. She held her children tight. After a minute, she heard the person coming up the stairs.

"Harry, Amari, you both are so loved, so loved. look after Harry, Amari" she said Whispering,

"Harry, Amari, Mama loves you both. Dada loves you. Harry, Amari, please both be safe. Be strong."

In that moment the sounds of someone stumbling from outside the room. The door bursting open. a cackle of high-pitched laughter. Lily's voice was saying

"Not Harry or Amari, please not Harry or Amari."

"Stand aside you silly girl ... stand aside now," Voldemort said.

"Not Harry or Amari , please no, take me, kill me instead..."

"Not Harry or Amari! Please ... have mercy ... have mercy... " Lily Pleaded.

"Avada Kedavra," Voldemort shouted hitting lily with the killing curse.

Lily's lifeless body fell to the ground and Voldemort stepped over her body and walked towards Harry and Amari looking at him before shouting once again,

"Avada Kedavra"

But when the curse hit Harry's head and Amari's neck, Amari's eyes flashed gold and a shimmer of red surrounded her and Harry. and with that the killing curse rebounded and hit Voldemort right in the chest which then destroyed him but not with out leaving a lightning shaped scar on Harry's forehead and on Amari's neck.

~ Time Skip ~

Sally Jackson heard a knock on her apartment door, she looked to see Percy peacefully watching tv before going to answer her door.

She opened the door and saw no one there but looked down to see a baby in a basket wrapped up and a letter sitting on top addressed to her,

Sally immediately recognised the baby as her god daughter and a feeling of dread came over her, she picked up the baby into her arms and bought her inside closing the door behind her.

"Mummy who's that" Percy asked noticing the baby in Sally's arms as she puts the empty basket on the coffee table.

"That's your cousin Amari" she relied to her son smiling

"Ohh she's small" Percy said before turning back to the tv

Sally cuddled the baby in her arms on the couch and opened the letter with her spare hand and started reading it.

Dear Sally,

If you are reading this then the day we have been dreading has come,  Voldemort found us and we are gone.

Sally let out a small gasp and and couple tears went down her face, as she continued to read the letter.

We ask that you look after our little girl like she was your own and make sure she knows who she is on her magical side but please don't tell her about her demigod side until the time is right.

We fear that Voldemort will be after both Harry and Amari so we thought she would be best and safest with you.

We've left photos in the envelope of us, Harry and her god father Remus Lupin who we have also attached his mailing info to keep in touch with him.

Please look after our little girl, we love you so much and You have always been a sister to us
Lilly & James Potter

Sally put the letter down on the coffee table and wiped her tears away before Percy could see them. She picked up the envelope and tipped it upside down on the table, and a locket plus 4 photos fell out.

Sally told Percy it was time for bed, and turned the tv off, took his hand and walked him to his bed and settled him in bed. Before she went back out to the dining room and made a bottle for Amari in case she woke up for it and then went to bed herself cuddling Amari close to her, grieving for her friends she had just lost and thinking about everything she needs to get for Amari tomorrow.

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