chapter 8

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An Pov

After making sure that yn has safely reached to her classroom veer went straight to his work

Office Building:

After getting inside of the building Every employee started greeting him and veer greeted them by nodding his head then veer straightly went to his cabin

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After getting inside of the building
Every employee started greeting him and veer greeted them by nodding his head then veer straightly went to his cabin

After getting inside of the building Every employee started greeting him and veer greeted them by nodding his head then veer straightly went to his cabin

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After sometime a secretary came in to tell his schedule

"May I come in sir"
"There is no need to ask you are already in side the cabin"said veer without looking at the secretary

"Uhm,I am sorry sir,I am Choi Serena you secreta--""Just talk about work""Y-yes sir"with an embarassing voice said serena

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"Uhm,I am sorry sir,I am Choi Serena you secreta--"
"Just talk about work"
"Y-yes sir"with an embarassing voice said serena

"T-Today you have 3 meeting to attend 2 of them are coming from Italy and Japan And one is from korea only
The meeting with Italy is for their new brand opening
and they want shares from us
Then the meeting with japan is to seal the deal
that was approved by the old manager mr.kang
And then the last one is of the kim hotels
the owner of the kim hotel
Kim woobin and the future heirs for the hotel are going to come here
for the finalisation of there new hotel which we are also part of

"You can go now"


Outside the cabin

"Miss serena how is the new boss"said one of the employee
"Oh nothing special but-"
"But what miss serena"said the same employee
"Don't cut me off miss luna"
"I am sorry mam"the employee luna said

"It's okay, but where was I ? Oh yaa I was talking about the new CEO
you know the new CEO looks so hot and I think he likes me
because the way he was looking at me it was like he awestruck by my beauty"

"What really the CEO is really that handsome from close"said another employee misha
"Yes he is so hot
and You know that there are chances that he likes me
so you all better do not go near him with any intention
because he is mine"
said serena with a possesive tone

"Oh really,you really think so that The CEO will like a cheap girl like you
who just go around atleast with 10-15 mens per month and that too just for their money "

"Oh you just shut up eunwoo you don't have any rights to say that"said luna
"Yes,you can't say anything like that to me
it's just you are jealous that you are not gonna get any chance of being with me
because the CEO likes me"
"Oh bless that delusional heart of yours serena I already have a girlfriend who I love more than my self and about the ceo well he is already married"said eunwoo with a smirk on his face
"WHATT!" The three girls shouted in disbelief

" are you out of your mind how it is possible the ceo is still 25 years old"
"Well you had time to search for his age
but not for his history  so let me tell you the new CEO is the owner of this company
and also that he is working here for the time being
after sometime whenever he feels like to go back to the country he came from he will go there
and there is no doubt in it and Also people say that he has already been married and he is obsessed with his wife and cand do anything for her"

"I don't believe you"said serena with a disturbed expression

"Well if you don't believe me then go and search it on Google you will find a Wikipedia page there you will get the information fully"

Everyone started looking in their phone for the information of veer and looking at their shocked expression eunwoo said

"Now if the reality check is done let's get back to work befor the boss notice us"

In the University

Inside the classroom

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Inside the classroom

"Students from today on we have a new classmate joining us please come inside"the teacher said to the students and then called for yn to come inside
"So students this is your new classmate can you introduce yourself"
"Sure miss,hello my self yn Singhania I am 20 years old and I am from India before coming in here i was studying online from the xxx University of india I hope you all will take care of me and be good with me till the time I am here"
yn introduced herself and saw that all the boys in the classroom were looking at her with dreamy eyes and the girls well some were admiring her and some uhm-

"It's very good that an excellent student like you is in our university btw myself min eunha  u can call me miss min or miss eunha"

"Sure miss min"
"Ok then u can sit anywhere u want
And students open page no. 88 of your book we are going to start the lecture now"

"Yes miss"

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