Title Change

332 8 5

This is important
As you guys know the story name is very common
and once I decided to change it too
but couldn't find any good name so After so much thinking
I have found some names for this story

1. The Mafia's Beloved

2. Mr rowdy's jaan

3. Rowdy relations


If you don't like any of these names then let me know
  and if you have any other suggestions please tell me
cause the name we have right now is very common



From these three titles whichever will get the most vote comments and likes will be the final name of the story
if there is a tie between them then we will have finale for that and whichever title get the most votes till night will be the winner

The votes will be closed at night 10:30  till then

See yaaa

Mr. Rowdy's Jaan Where stories live. Discover now