Chapter 11: Rising Chaos

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Izuku, 3 and 8 remained silent, eyes right on the pistol... The whole place became entirely silent... And after some seconds...

Incandescent bullets pierced the concrete wall like the butter, passing just above their heads, and forcing them to throw themselves to the ground, voices started to scream, probably the Nemesis Squadron members.

Soon, the place became only fire and noise, bullets continued to strike the wall, piercing it, Izuku thought about that... It was probably a quirk, normally the bullets wouldn't pierce the cement. One positive thing, the enemy was firing blindly. So the three teammates just prowned... The incandescent bullet rain finished, and they could hear a heavily muffled voice ask.

-Did I get them?

Another voice responded.

-Negative, they're prowning the ground of the staircase.

The heavily muffled voice responded.

-Then let's send in another steel rain shall we?

Izuku looked at 8 and 3, both of them were eyes wide... 8 hissed as he panicked.

-Quick! TTG!

The three got up and climbed another volley of stairs when Izuku heard it... Multiple drums starting to spin... Slowly... Then faster and faster... Before a load of bullet pierced the wall, shredding the cement like butter, and destroying the place they were seconds earlier... They arrived in front of a closed door and 8 kicked the door, 3 and Izuku entered in a High-Low-Criss-Cross in the new corridor.

The guy with the machinegun seemed to have stopped firing, maybe his acolyte wasn't seeing them anymore...

-What do we do now 8?

The voice of 3 rang in the greenette's ears, after such a noisy moment, even his ears protection had a hard time keeping his ears safe from the sound... Now he had a sort of light buzz in them... Izuku would have loved to turn, but he had to keep his attention in front of him... And luckily he did. Before 8 could respond, Izuku saw a shadow coming near the corner... Izuku ajusted his grip... And fired as a silhouette tilted the upper part of his body from the corner, the shot hit the enemy in the chestplate, and the Tango stepped back a little, destabilized by the impact, and the second shot fired by the greenette hit him right in the helmet, the Nemesis soldier fell on the ground with a grunt, instantly two others advanced in the middle of the corridor, one of them wasn't holding any weapons and instantly crouched, his hand emitted a small dim white light and a sort of transluctent wall appeared, the second lifted his gun and fired at the three Bravo Team members through it, Izuku, 3 and 8 had to take cover in the recesses of the corridor, the second guy continued to fire his gun until he had to reload, the greenette used this time to empty his whole magazine at the enemies... Somewhere in the ship, the greenette barely heard an explosion.

The bullets hit the transparent barrier and fell on the ground, having done no damage, Izuku just had the time to see a fourth Nemesis soldier with a medic armband crouch near the one he had downed to pull him back behind the corner.

The man with the gun finished to reload, and continue to suppress them. They were stuck... Until...

The ceiling cracked and shattered, and a figure fell behind the guy with the gun, the guy turned around, but was thrown against the wall by a powerful jet of water, the Tango who was making the shield also turned but took a fist in the face, and fell on the ground... The figure said, as the smoke fell down.

-Got two of those criminals.

Izuku could finally see who it was... In a blue and turquoise suit, the man was wearing a enclosed helmet shaped in a narval face... A pro-hero... Izuku was kinda grateful that he fell at this moment... But if he wasn't currently part of a vigilante, he could have said thanks... There was a scream around the corner, and the Nemesis medic jumped on the hero, a knife in hand, it was a welcomed distraction, as Izuku didn't wanted to deal with another pro-hero... 

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