Chapter 9: Recon

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They have arrived at the place... Izuku never saw that much ships... Coast guard, navy... And other ships that probably belonged to other pro-heroes...

-So here is the target's ship...

The greenette whispered Selkie say before his voice boomed across the command deck...

-We have arrived! Hiragi, Narigusa and Izurata! Go out and drop the anchor.

The three nodded and instantly went out...

-3, 8, we might have a complication...

Said Izuku as they were approaching the huge chain keeping that was holding the anchor on the ship. Both of his teammates looked at him.

-What kind of complications?

-One of the crewmembers. Sirius, she got a enhanced hearing quirk, she heard your equipement, I am sure they will use her as a sentry the night to detect any suspect sounds...

8 grabbed the chain, and dropped the anchor in the sea, the chain started to unfold...

-Then we will have to take care of her.

The chain stopped, signaling that the seabed had been reached... The three remained silent for a moment... Until one of the crewmembers Izuku forgot the name called them. 8 nodded back, and said to Izuku and 3.

-This night, midnight, my room.

Both of them nodded, and the three teammates went back to the command deck, Selkie and the rest of the crew were waiting them around a virtual table map. Izuku decided to lean against the wall and crossed his arms... Selkie's voice boomed again...

-Alright. I will give you all the infos we have, the planning and the tasks.

So. Currently we know that the criminals are heavily armed and armored, that they hold the passengers hostage. We are currently twenty-four different pro-heroes on the place, three navy ships, and around ten coast guard vessels. We don't know the number of criminals, but we know that there is one hundred and twenty three hostages.

We are here for two days, before we have to get back to land to restock ourselves. 

Now the tasks. Sirius, you will be a sentry along with Hiragi. Narigusa and Izurata, you will be our cooks for the time.

After that, Izuku didn't listened anymore... So he was a night sentry along with Sirius, perfect. After the seal hero finsihed to give tasks, Izuku immediately regrouped with 3 and 8 outside. He approached the two others and whispered.

-This is an occasion. I can neutralize her the night we will lauch our rescue mission.

8 nodded and whispered back.

-I will brief you too on the mission this night... I also ask to you both to study the outside of the ship, and maybe have a small idea of how it is inside.


Some hours later...

The night had fallen... The air was fresh... And the fact that it was nearly silent, only the sound of waves hitting the boat's hull, with only occasional noises, really surprised Izuku, he thought that kind of problems were always noisy... He was patrolling on the ship, eyes tiressly scanning the sea for anything... He knew Sirius was on the other side, also watching the sea, Mick gave him a paralysing darts pistol, but Izuku knew he wouldn't have to use it, if someone sneaked on their ship, the intruder would probably try to close the distance, and then Izuku could greet him with his HTH training. As he was thinking about that, he nearly tripped over a rope, and barely caught himself...

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