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Day 2

"God dammit, Chimon! What the fuck do you want me to do? I can't sleep, and I can't eat. The only thing that gets my mind off all this shit is work." Nanon slammed his fist down on Chimon's desk as he yelled at his friend.

"I understand that, Nanon, but you have to look at this from the hospital's perspective. You're not in a state to deal with patients. If something happens, we'll have a CyCode lawsuit on our hands. Whether you and I like it or not, you're on leave today. Go home or go away somewhere so you can clear your head."

Nanon sighed deeply and slumped back down in the chair in defeat. "How am I supposed to go home? It's our house; we bought it, and we lived there together. Everything there reminds me of Pat."

"Ohm." Chimon corrected softly, hurting for his friend.

Nanon just nodded.

"Maybe you could spend some time with him. Let him get to know you again. I mean, you two loved each other, probably more than any other couple I know. Something like that doesn't just disappear."

Nanon sighed and then looked up. "Chimon, you're a doctor. You know it doesn't work like that. Love is not a cure for amnesia, however much I might want it to be."

"Then make him fall in love with you again. Do whatever you did the first time around."

Nanon laughed bitterly. "Fuck, Chimon. We fought for three weeks. I'm not sure if that'll work a second time. In any case, he's almost ready to go home. I can't just show up at his house in the city like some weird fucking stalker type guy."

"You just go talk to him. Let me speak to Thana and see if we can figure something out."

Ohm smiled at Nanon when he walked into his room. He was glad for any sort of company. His parents and his girlfriend, or should he say ex-girlfriend, Jah, had been to see him, but it had been really awkward. Someone had finally told him that he'd been missing for a whole year before the accident. To him, it was like he'd seen them a few days ago, but for them, it had been a long time, and they'd all but given up hope of finding him. It was almost funny how nervous they'd been around him. At least his two brothers had cheered him up, acting exactly like they always did.

"Would you mind if I stayed with you a bit?" Nanon asked, unsure of his reception.

"Of course not. This morning, I was actually happy to see that grumpy old nurse with the hairy wart on her chin. So that should give you an indication of just how bloody bored I am." Ohm replied with a grin.

Nanon laughed and took a seat next to the bed. Most of the hospital staff tried to avoid Ohm as much as possible, afraid that they might slip up and let on that they knew him. The resident psychiatrist had warned them that it might not be a good idea, as it would only confuse him.

"Aren't you on duty?" Ohm asked, noticing Nanon's jeans and t-shirt.

"No. I'm on leave as of today."

Ohm raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "And you come to work anyway? You must really love this place."

Nanon smiled ruefully and shook his head. "No. I just can't stand to be at home right now. I... uhm... I recently lost my lover, and it's just hard to be there. You know?"

"You lived there together before he died?" Ohm asked.

Nanon decided not to correct his assumption and just nodded. "His stuff is everywhere; he was a real slob." He laughed a bit. "I can still smell him in our bed, and it tears me apart." He added softly, knowing he was revealing more than was probably acceptable when speaking to someone you apparently didn't know from Adam, but was unable to help himself.

"I miss him."

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