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Day 4

"What was your first date like? I mean, I know you were living together and all, but you must've had, like, proper dates. I know I wouldn't stop dating just because I moved in with someone. That's part of the fun of being in love with someone." Ohm explained.

Nanon stared at him, remembering how Pat had told him almost the exact same thing when he'd asked him why he wanted to take him out on a date.

"He actually woke me up at three in the morning and told me to get dressed because he was taking me out on a date. I was royally pissed at being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night, but I got up. As I said, he was really persistent. He drove us out to this hill just outside of town. He had blankets, champagne, and strawberries in the car. We sat there and talked and watched the stars. He told me to wait until I saw a falling star. He said it was important. We stayed there for quite a while before I eventually saw one. He told me that at that exact same moment, somewhere in the world, someone like me had found someone who was lost like he had been. Maybe not with amnesia, but alone and lost none the less. He said if someone fell into your lap like he did in mine, you weren't allowed to ever let them go, because the heavens ordained it."

Ohm stared at the man in front of him, watching the trail of tears running down his face as he spoke, aching for him and the love he'd lost.

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