Trophy Bride

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Chapter 1: Trophy Bride

"Elena, put the damn gun down."


"Elena, don't do this. This isn't going to end well for anyone."

"Why? Because that's what you both do? Kill people?"

"Just listen to me. You don't know the truth. Put the damn gun down."


"This is your husband that you're pointing the gun at?"

"I would rather be a widow than being his wife."

"Elena. Please. I'm begging you."

"He abused me and I let him. I'll kill him and then I'll kill myself with his bastard I'm carrying."

"Elena, for the God sake.."


Three months ago

Elena's POV

I'm standing infront of the mirror, wearing my wedding dress. This is supposed to be one of the best days for a woman but for me it's not. To me it's like wearing a rope against my throat to hang myself in. I pick up my earnings to wear, thinking about the promise that I've made with my uncle.

That I'll end him. I'll end every one of the people that he loves and cares about. I'll watch him suffer just like the way I have suffered.

My friends are talking with each other, looks so excited and telling me how gorgeous I'm looking. I fake a smile because they don't know what I'm getting myself into. To them it's their dearest friend's wedding. To me it's a death penalty.

They bring the veil and sprawl it on my head. This is how I'm going to put a giant cloth on his face when I'll be reason of his death. They fix it on my hair and hugs me from behind. I hold my friend's hand. My aunt knocks on my door to tell us I need to be downstairs. The wedding is about to start.

I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror one last time. I'm not looking at Elena Gilbert but the perfect trophy bride who's soon going to be a perfect trophy wife. I'm going to be someone who's going to be loved by everyone. I'll be perfect, best, adorable and people's favorite so that I can stab everyone in the back whenever I'll get the chances.

Everybody stands up as I appear to walk down the aisle. My uncle comes. I wrap my hand with his. We smile at each other. I swallow as I start walking. There he is, standing like a gentleman, looking so perfect. My soon to be brother-in-law, Damon Salvatore is behind my soon to be husband, whispering something to him, pets his shoulder as my soon to be husband nods.

He flashes smile at me. I look at him shyly. All fake. All I want is to pull out the gun from my uncle's pocket and shoot him in the forehead, watch him bleed out infront of everyone.

My uncle let go of my hand as my soon to be husband steps down and gives me his hand. I gladly accept. I wince as I touch him. The disgust I'm feeling right now is suffocating. But I don't show it. I can't show it. Not now.

He helps me to walk up the stairs. "Dear beloved" I hear the minister starting performing our wedding. We keep smiling at each other. He looks so excited as he speaks. I know what he's saying. I can hear him. I, Stefan Salvatore, take thee blah blah blah...

His right now words doesn't sink in my ears because all I can hear is how he killed my father and then my mother. How he watched them die. Had no mercy on them. So Now, he's marrying me to own me in every way.

I smile at him because I'm going to be worst thing that's going to destroy his career, his life.

Everybody looks at me because it's my turn to take my vow. "I, Elena Gilbert, take thee, Stefan Salvatore as my lawfully wedded husband. To share with you God's plan for our lives together united in Christ.
And with God's help, to strengthen and guide me I will be your supportive wife, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, in joys and in sorrows, until death do we part.
I give you all that I have myself and my love. All these things I pledge to thee in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. With this ring I seal my vow of love to you, Stefan Salvatore and pray I may fulfill God's place in our home,
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." I sound so promising as I speak. I gather fake tears around the corner of my eyes. I see crocodile tears gathering in his eyes.

He smiles at me. "You may kiss the bride" the minister says. I look nervous. I should be but inside I'm not. I've to do a lot more than just kissing him. I've to please him, have to make sure to take care of his physical needs and his disgusting fantasies. I've to be perfect in everything. Perfect in every fucking thing.

He gently puts his hand on my waist. I put my hand on his shoulder as he leans into me, I tilt my head to capture his lips. And then our lips meet. People stand up and they start clapping as we kiss. I hear a few shout outs too. It's a gentle kiss that he leaves but I know he's desperate. He wants more.

We look at each other, smiling. You have no idea what I'm going to do with you my dear husband, Stefan Salvatore. I, Elena Gilbert is promising you, I'll not let you live in peace. You'll suffer. You'll feel every pain. And you'll be dead.

We turn to look at the audience as we wave at them. I smile at them. I'm already doing very good as a trophy bride.

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